How Machine Learning Can Revamp Your Mobile App!

Scarlett Rose
9 min readNov 4, 2019


Machine Learning-React Developer

A Brief Introduction

Are you reading this blog on a smartphone? Statistically, at least one out of every two of you is. In this article, we present the smartphone statistics list that will help you identify the total number of mobile phone users all over the world. As quoted by Peter Rojas, the co-founder of Engadget and Gizmodo, the future of Mobile is the future of everything. These lines clearly signify the growing importance of Mobile phones all over the world.

Mobile technology has accelerated the pace at which the users access data. In the present era, smartphones have become rich repositories of memories and content. You may be surprised to know that nearly one-fifth of the total mobile phone users (17%) use phones for most of their online browsing.

The advent of Machine Learning has reshaped the entire mobile industry. Its implementation makes the AI and mobile app smarter than humans thus offering a better user experience.

As per a recent survey, it is expected that in the coming years, the number of businesses investing in Machine Learning will get doubled (about 64%). This is because Machine Learning helps to make mobile apps more user-friendly and enhances the overall web experience. Let’s discuss more on the role of Machine Learning in mobile app development. Hire react developer for building great applications with alluring interface.


Importance of Machine Learning

Since Machine Learning offers alluring benefits in developing mobile applications, it has has become the talk of the town these days. Machine learning not only makes it easier to use mobile platforms but also helps to improve the overall customer experience. The use of AI in app development is preferred by many large enterprises.

According to Allied Market Research, Machine Learning is growing at a CAGR of 39.0% from 2017–2023. In addition to this, the report suggests that Machine Learning as a service market will reach $5,537 million in 2023. This article talks about how Machine Learning can revamp your AI and mobile app.

Industry Overview

The Machine Learning industry is up and running. Many large enterprises and app development companies use Machine Learning to revamp their mobile applications. Research and surveys show that Machine Learning reigns the mobile market in the present times.

According to Statista, in the year 2018, the entire business value for Machine Learning has reached $16.9 billion. Another Statista report suggests that machine learning apps attracted $29 billion during March 2019.


What is Machine Learning?

It is a self-evolutionary interactive technology that uses the functionalities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cognitive Computing through various algorithms. Machine Learning (ML) is a technology that comprises of automated data processing and decision-making algorithms. Machine Learning helps to improve the operation using these algorithms. The algorithms are designed as per their ability to work. Basically, it means Learning on the Go.

The accuracy of the ML algorithm depends on how qualified the data is. Machine Learning uses three algorithms which include.
— Supervised Learning
— Unsupervised Learning
— Reinforcement Learning


What can Machine Learning offer to your Mobile App?

Over the last 20 years, the customer’s expectations have dramatically increased. Digitization has increased the availability of several options for customers. This has also toughened the competition among the companies who are exploring new ways to outperform their competitors. This led to the use of AI in app development by various mobile industries.

The era of generic services is waning. Now, the customers wish to avail products that are competent enough to fulfill their needs. As per a report published by “ Salesforce State of the Connected Customer”, half of the customers are likely to switch the brands that they are using if a company fails to meet their requirements.

In today’s customer-driven economy, building trust is a critical advantage. Today, businesses can engage customers by providing what they need at the right time. In return, users prefer companies that can predict their needs and requirements. Here, in this blog, we have listed all the benefits of using Machine Learning in mobile app development. information on how does Machine Learning

1. Personalized Experience

Gone are the days when the fate of any business was decided by how well it caters to the demands of its customers. But things have changed now. Today, marketplace success is defined by a company’s ability to predict customer needs and fulfill those even before the customer even asks.

Machine Learning can surely help you with this. With the use of multiple algorithms and artificial intelligence, you can classify your users based on their interests. This helps to distinguish customers based on their choices and interests. Later using this information, recommendations can be popped right onto customers’ devices. You can hire react developer to have a seamless frontend development of mobile apps as per your business needs. Moreover, you can use Machine Learning to acquire user information and learn about.

  • Who your customers are?
  • What they want?
  • What they can afford?
  • What hobbies, preferences, and pain points they have?
  • Which words are they using to search about your products?

Once you get the desired user information mentioned above, then this can be used to design marketing strategies for promoting the products. ML algorithms help to find an individual approach that helps to target each customer of varied groups. Machine Learning provides creative and enticing content that makes your mobile app more interactive. Because of this, AI in app development is a preferred choice by all app owners.

2. Advanced Search

What do businesses actually need today? Today, businesses aim to engage more users. While attracting users is essential but retaining them is important as well. This can be done if companies offer them with what they need. While companies strive hard to attract their users, customers face a hard time in choosing the right product. If the process to search for the products is made simple, then it can help engage more users.

Machine Learning solutions help to optimize search in the apps and delivers better results thus making searching more intuitive and less burdensome for your customers. Machine learning algorithms based on customer’s queries, shows refined results that matters most to a particular person.

Another major advantage of using Machine Learning in mobile app development is that it uses Cognitive Technology. It helps to group articles, DIY videos, FAQs, documents, and scripts into a knowledge graph that helps to provide smarter self-service and immediate answers.

Modern apps built using Machine Learning allows you to collect available data about your customers such as search histories, and typical actions. The data can be coupled with behavioral data and search requests. This helps to rank products and services thus showing the best-matching search results. You can hire iOS developer to build custom-tailored mobile apps to engage more users.

Reddit, an official app to optimize your search makes use of Machine Learning. The app makes it easy to find topics of your choice based on the customer search histories thus rendering an improved search platform to the users.

3. Predicts User Behavior

As discussed above, customer retention is important for any business to be a success. For increasing business profits, you need to engage more users and follow practices to retain them as well. To make this happen, companies need to analyze and predict user behavior. This ensures that you provide your users with what they want.

Machine Learning makes it easier to comprehend the user’s choice. This is why Machine Learning and AI in app development plays an essential role. Machine Learning applications help marketers understand users’ preferences and behavior patterns by analyzing different kinds of data. It helps to find out user information which includes.

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Search requests
  • Frequency of app usage

But how is this data useful? Knowing more about your users and their preferences helps engaging more users. This improves the effectiveness of your mobile app thus marketing your product. ML keeps a track of the users liking and liking that increases user engagement and the time they spent on your mobile and AI app.

Did you know that nearly 80 percent of TV shows watched on Netflix are suggested by their recommendation system? This has helped Netflix save about $1 billion. Netflix uses machine learning and algorithms that find the shows that have initially be chosen by the users at any point in time.


4. Relevant Ads

Advertisements act as the backbone of your business. Ads and marketing strategies help in attracting users and customers. But it is not that simple. Showing the right ads to the right audience is a daunting task. The consumers expect content that is both useful and contextually relevant. It is important that the relevant ads are designed that serve the right information at the right time as quoted by Michael Griffin, the CEO, and founder of Adlucent.

With advertising becoming more personalized, Machine Learning plays a crucial role in allowing companies to target advertisements and personalized messages more accurately. It acts as an effective marketing tool. Based on a report by The Relevancy Group, it is observed that 38 percent of executives are using Machine Learning for advertising. Machine Learning helps in designing effective marketing strategies to promote your product. The algorithms gauge the preferred choices of the individuals and display relevant ads at the right time.

5. Improved Security

Machine Learning can help to streamline app authentication thus improving the security of your mobile app. This helps to make your app safer and robust. Video, audio, and voice recognition makes it possible for the customers to authenticate using their biometric data such as face or fingerprint.

Choosing Machine Learning is a smart decision to revamp your mobile app and tom make it more secure. Various apps like Zoom app and BioID make use of Machine Learning. It allows the customers to log in to other websites and applications with ultra-secure, selfie-style face authentication. Machine Learning not only offers fast and secure login to the users but also, helps to detect suspicious activities. Machine Learning algorithms can easily track unidentified malware attacks thus protecting your app from threats.

Robust security mobile applications built with Machine Learning are in great demand among large enterprises serving major industry verticals. Uber is one of them that uses ML to deal with customers with fraudulent behavior. Banking and financial companies are also leveraging ML algorithms to inspect customers’ previous transactions. Various features that are offered by Machine Learning include.
— Image recognition
— Shipping cost estimation
— Product tagging automation
— Wallet management
— Logistics optimization
— Business intelligence

6. More User Engagement

ML algorithms help in determining the key interests of your target customers, it provides relevant ads that bring the right information at the right time to your users. Other than these, Machine Learning tools provide a wide range of features that help engage more users.



So far, we have seen how has Machine Learning revolutionized the mobile industry and what are the benefits of using it. With improved security and great customer experience, Machine Learning is the best choice that you can make to revamp your mobile app.

Machine Learning technology can enhance your mobile application and make it more efficient by providing an efficient personalized engine, fast and secure authentication and protection against fraud. Engage more users using ML algorithms and reach out to your audience.

By now, you would have certainly known that applications built using ML help you meet excellence and fulfill the needs of your users. As quoted in the words of Nick Bostrom, Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make. You can choose Machine Learning to revamp your AI and mobile app and get advanced features instilled in them for creating a large user base for your business. Large enterprises and market leaders are applying machine learning in all feasible and possible ways.



Scarlett Rose

I am a voracious reader and contributor to many tech and business oriented blogs. I have served as a Sr. Software Consultant for 6 years in Illinois.