5 Times Disney Movies Were Sneaky

Scarlette Pike
5 min readDec 9, 2017


#1 Do you remember in Monsters Inc when Sully and Mike Wasowski are banished and they meet the abominable snowman? And the snowman offers them snow cones, right?

But the snowcones are YELLOW and Mike is disgusted. To which the snowman explains “Don’t worry — it’s lemon”. Implying something about the distrust we have for yellow snow.. but stick with me here…

Then, we know, Mike gets mad and grabs the snow cones one-by-one and throws them at Sully. To get out of an awkward situation the snowman excuses himself to go restock snow cones.

But LISTEN to what he says before he leaves!!!

“Oh would you look at that. We’re out of snowcones! Let me just go outside and make some more..”

WHERE is he going to make SNOW CONES?? Sure there’s snow and ice outside but ya kinda sorta need one more ingredient for SNOW CONES!!! Syrup!

So.. he keeps his lemon syrup OUTSIDE?! Where it will freeze?!

Then as Sully is sledding away we see him one more time, and he says: “Hey! I got more snow cones!”

But he is still OUTSIDE!!

No. I’m sorry guys but I just have to say it.. there is no lemon syrup… At least now we know WHY he was banished. And it seems like a solid consequence.

#2 This one is quick and easy but still so witty and slightly punny. Sebastian from “The Little Mermaid” has an amazing line that no one has noticed.

He’s trying to reason with Ariel about her cave full of stolen goods and her desires to be a land mammal. And he says, and I quote!

“Ariel, you’re under a lot of pressure down here”


Pressure.. at the bottom of the ocean.. Classic… I bet that’s what all the mer-parents blame teenage mood swings on..

#3 This next one is also a one-liner and also AMAZINGLY sneaky.

In Tangled, from the mouth of the youth-stealing Mother Gothel as she is calling to Rapunzel from the bottom of the tower:

“Rapunzel! I’m not getting any younger down here!”

That phrase is figurative 99.999% of the time! But nope — Mother Gothel is part of a small, minuscule minority who can actually use it literally. This line makes me think the staff at Disney have too much time on their hands. And aren’t we all SO glad.

#4 This one comes from “The Incredibles” and I have some serious questions about Mirage.

When she first calls Mr. Incredible she implies that she is also a superhero! Because she says “My name is Mirage. We have something in common — according to the government neither of us exist!”

So.. I don’t know how else to take that besides she is a super hero also hiding her powers because the government told them to stop doing that.

Then what is her super power? We never see her do anything amazing, impossible or crazy..


Look at this:

Now every single woman in the world LOOK at this picture and tell me if you see anything REMOTELY familiar about a body like this.

No? No one? YEAH NONE OF US… This isn’t a BODY — it’s a twig.

And here she is again:

Literally her nose is as wide as her arm…

So her super power is making others see a MIRAGE. SO many cool possibilities with this super power!! She’s like Mystique on X-men.. She could disguise herself in so so many different ways but she chooses to camoflauge as a paper thin bimbo? Why?

I’m gonna go with a massively low self esteem. One — because she is in some kind of cohabitating relationship with THIS guy…

And ALSO because Mr. Incredible literally strangles her and then DROPS her on the ground and then pulls her up, gives her a hug and her reaction is…


MmmmmK girls… Lesson one on how to teach a man how to treat you. IF he strangles you in the air, drops you on the ground and THEN tries to hug you?!

The answer is NO. Unless you have massively low self esteem like Mirage! And then you just sigh and coo at the smallest sign of affection.

THIS is probably more accurate of what Mirage looks like:

^Did ya see what I did there…?

#5 Last one also comes from Tangled but it comes in the form of a mobile.

SOMEHOW Rapunzel’s parents can tell the future.. Tricky!

