Importing Cars to Canada

Toby Nwazor
2 min readMay 18, 2017


Being a Canadian citizen and at the same time being a car enthusiast is sometimes like a struggle. Canada is huge with is geographical “size”, but if speak about population then it is about 35 million people. And that means fewer variants for automotive buyers especially in comparison with the southern neighbor. With such a small quantity of new sold cars the employed market is much more limited, and that is the reason why there is an artificial overpricing and lack of affordable and interesting cars.

So, thousands of Canadian residents turn their sight annually towards the US in a hope for vehicle purchase. Population of the United States are 10 times more than in Canada. American climate is warm and dry, and that is a good fact for preserving cars and trucks in a good condition, much better than it is in a wet and salty air of northern winter. The US offers a huge choice of vehicles for shoppers for reasonable price that covers your patience and time when processing documents. Price and condition difference is worth additional work and costs necessary for bringing the car to the country.

As a person who has already imported some autos, modern and antiquarian. It was an awesome experience to work with a company, that consults on making new sites (like Shopping Cart Elite). These sites are meant to explain all issues about importing vehicles from the US in very simple words.

Why did I need to create the site? Some years ago I had a lot of misinformation and false facts about import process — in person and via online. And after such talks there was no more eagerness to deal with car-buying from southern country. Following on from our experience and active research, we made a general guidance on the site that explains all underlying potential problems about import process, and issues concerning safe and legal bringing of the car to a new home.

There are lots of sites and forums for car-focused customers. They help to find a car of your dream and not make you leave your apartments. Don’t be limited only with your local place, widen your net you will be amazed with some car deals on the market. Some of the cars are very rare to appear there. Visit importing cars for more information about fair prices and how to feel more confident in process of car import.



Toby Nwazor

Toby Nwazor is a serial entrepreneur, a success coach, a business development consultant, a strategist, a motivational speaker, and a freelance writer.