Python microservices: choices, key concepts and project setup


Python Microservices: Choices, Key Concepts, and Project setup

Distilled lessons from building microservices powering Slang Labs platform. Presented in a PyCon India 2019 tutorial.

The Startup
Published in
10 min readFeb 25, 2020


At SlangLabs, we are building a platform for programmers to easily and quickly add multilingual, multimodal Voice Augmented eXperiences (VAX) to their mobile and web apps. Think of an assistant like Alexa or Siri, but running inside your app and tailored for your app.

The platform consists of:

  • Console to configure a buddy for an app,
  • SDKs for Android, iOS, and Web (JavaScript) providing voice-to-action capabilities,
  • Microservices that SDKs invoke to infer the intent inherent in the voice utterance of an end-user, and extract associated entities, and
  • Analytics to analyze end-user behavior and improve the experience.

This blog post is to share the best practices and lessons we have learned while building the microservices.

Why Python

At the idea phase of a startup, one has some sense of destination and direction but does not know exactly what to build. That clarity emerges only through…



The Startup

Cofounder @SlangLabs. Ex Amazon, Microsoft Research. I learn, do, and write about Machine Learning in production.