How we reduced 100 tons of Carbon emission

4 min readDec 17, 2015


Our way to a greener life

For a long time now have been contemplating the option of installing a Rooftop Solar Plant that would make our house self-sufficient for energy needs.

Had explored the option of OFF-Grid solution and found that to be an expensive solution and not justified.

Recently when the Karnataka Government announced the RooftopON-GRID solar plant plan, As part of promoting urban solar power generation, currently the government is promising to give Rs.9.56/- for every unit that we generate in excess. The proposal and the benefits were very impressive. This set the thinking back to get our house Self Sufficient.

Also, being conscious of the environment, wanted to find a way where our carbon footprint would be reduced and we will leave the environment in as much the same condition that we found it in. Thus started the journey.

First step was to analyse the overall electricity charges as well as the trend for a period so that we can understand the trend. Graph shows the price for each of the usage slab as well as the increase in value:

Electricity Cost over time

It was clear that utility charges are increasing and the trend will continue. In the last 7 years cost for 400 units has grown from 1458/- to 2181/- which is almost 50% increase in price over 7 years. Effectively power charges are increasing at 8% every year.

Basic facts on solar plant:

· Cost of installing a Solar Power Plant is 1 Lakh for every Kilo Watt of generation 1kWp plant will generate about 4.4 units a day (this is the average across the whole year). For a house that consumes 350 units of power, will require a 3kWp installation. Cost of the project was estimated at about 3 Lakh.

Looking at the data and percentage increase, extrapolated the same for 25 years. Also assumed a 7% return on investment over the next 25 years. An investment of 3,00,000 (Three Lakh) over the period of 25 years at 7% compounded will grow to become 15,21,710 (Fifteen Lakh).

At the same time, if the power tariff continues to increase at 8%, by the end of 25 years the cost of electricity would add up to 19,13,328 (Nineteen Lakh). For the sake of calculations have not considered any maintenance expenses on the solar plant.

Other key point for going solar was to reduce the Carbon footprint. Based on popular website, 400 unit of power would generate about 0.336 Ton. Effectively in a year it will be generating 4.032 Tons and in the life space of 25 years about 100 tons.

Purely from an environment preservation perspective, these values were very impressive for us. The next big decision point was to finalise the vendor who will install the system. Like all other services, we had a large number of choices

  • We could have installed on our own (Slightly cheaper, but too time consuming)
  • Go with a new start-up, again this is a cheaper option, but this is a 25 year installation, was not convinced with serviceability of solution
  • Go with an established provider. This is slightly expensive, but there is a reputed company to back the service

We decided to go with an established provider. We got a couple of quotes to compare, negotiated and agreed to proceed with Tata Solar.

Next step in the process was to do all the required paperwork for BESCOM to get the project started. Based on the link filled out the required forms. I found it easier to visit the office located near Phoenix Mall to get the process started. As part of the overall contract, there is an option to have the vendor handle the entire paperwork as well.

How does the On-GRID solution work?

The advantage of ON-GRID solution is that there is absolutely no change required for wiring inside your house. The power that is generated is supplied at your existing entry point and connected to the grid from there as well. All you’re inside home connection stays AS-IS.

At this time the only drawback with this On-Grid is when there is Load shutdown, during that period, the power generated from your panels goes unused. As the power cut can be due to a line work, there could be people working the electric line, the solution is deigned in a way where it cuts the generation off.

As most of us already have UPS setup inside our house, that will continue to support us through these power cuts.

It has been 90 days since we commissioned the solar plant. We have generated close to 900 units of power. We currently have a surplus of 100 units.


Would like to thank everyone at home for the great support and effort spent by them. This would not have been possible without the great assistance of our parents. One thing is to conceptualise an idea and fund it, the most difficult thing is to spend time and effort to make sure that all work got completed.

Overall, the project has been completed successfully and been very satisfactory.

Other Links:

If you like to take a virtual tour of the plant click here

ROI calculator Link

Till date solar generation Reading link

