3 Common Pitfalls of Hiring a Math Tutor and How to Avoid Them

3 min readDec 22, 2021


Whether private or public schools, sources are no longer sufficient to meet the demands of every student. In that case, a private tutor may be a terrific addition to classroom learning. So even if your kid is trying to maintain a passing grade, getting a private tutor may make all the difference in their future academic success.

Because of this mindset, every parent is now considering getting Math tutors for their children. Well, that’s not the case. When you hire a private tutor for your children, this does not guarantee a 100% success rate for your students. Why? Because parents always fall to the common pitfalls of getting a Math tutor.

No need to worry! In this blog, we have discussed three significant mistakes parents make in getting tutors for their children. Through this, you can avoid and be aware of these red flags to get the help that your child needs efficiently.

1. Setting Tutor Qualifications; Past experiences and products as a measure of performance.

Yes, we are all guilty of looking at past experiences and their outcomes when getting services. However, they are insufficient despite the importance of qualifications and experience in determining a tutor’s reliability. A teacher’s quality may vary widely, even among those with advanced degrees and many certificates from reputable institutions.

To tell you frankly, what’s important is, a Math tutor should have the capacity to communicate well. They should be patient and be able to make academics fun. Finding this kind of instructor is more crucial than finding an overly intelligent one.

2. Forgetting to ask your children for their feedback and insights.

One of the biggest mistakes in getting tutors is not to include your child’s real-time input. Therefore, several demo sessions will be required in the selection process of a private teacher. After each session, talk to your children carefully regarding their experience.

You may also test his understanding of the material by asking him conceptual questions. The most significant error you can make when hiring a tutor is failing to thoroughly examine your child’s psychological, intellectual, and behavioral comfort levels. It’s important to remember that your kid is the one who will be spending the majority of their waking hours with the tutor.

Some children are reluctant to speak out about a tutor during a sample session or two. It is the parents’ job to break the child’s inhibitions.

Choosing a teacher while basing only on your child’s comments is another implication of this blunder. Ideally, parents and children should share their feelings regarding a tutor in great detail. Let your kid make the final decision, but don’t pressure them into making one.

3. Sticking to your tutors because your children like them even though they aren’t effective.

Some parents have that math tutor that their children love. However, their grades are not improving. And because your kid is already comfortable with the tutor, you just let it because you might think “it’s the right thing to do.” But, remember, even if you do everything right, chances might shift in a month or two. So being passive in your search for a new instructor as a parent could be a huge mistake.

It’s wrong to cling to the same private instructor just because you’ve been comfortable with them. Finding the best Math tutors may be a dynamic process, with few definitive dead ends.

Take time to evaluate a tutor’s progress with your child. If nothing changes after two months, you need to start looking for a new instructor immediately. Please don’t put it off or forget about it. Repeated research and demo class cycles are inevitable, but they must be completed nevertheless.




Mathematics is a subject that differs from other disciplines because there may be more than one way to solve a mathematics problem.