The Danshari Method: Decluttering for Happiness

Shcherbatenko Ekaterina
3 min readSep 19, 2023


Hey there, fellow seekers of simplicity and happiness!

If you’ve ever felt the urge to declutter your life but found it daunting, fear not! In this article, we’ll dive into the wonderful world of the Danshari Method, a path to decluttering your life and finding more joy in simplicity.

So, what is the Danshari Method? Well, it’s like your guide to rediscovering order, simplicity, and minimalism in your life. Let’s explore how this method can bring more happiness into your world.

Ever heard of Hideko Yamashita, the Japanese writer who introduced the Danshari method? This approach is all about embracing a minimalist lifestyle. It’s about redefining your relationship with material possessions, a journey that begins by removing unnecessary clutter from your closets, drawers, and life.

In Danshari, ‘dan’ represents vital energy — the kind that gets drained when you’re surrounded by unneeded stuff. ‘Sha’ stands for eliminating what you no longer use or need. Lastly, ‘ri’ is about recognizing and resisting the urge to acquire everything you desire.

Picture this: Danshari acts like an antidote to the temptation of filling your space with things that no longer serve you. It’s about reclaiming simplicity and harmony in both your physical space and your thoughts.

The Five Rules of Danshari

To make Danshari part of your life, keep these five rules in your back pocket. They may seem tricky at first, but with practice, they’ll become your trusty companions for decluttering success.

  1. The Rule of Occupation: Leave some space clear. Don’t fill up your living spaces entirely. In fact, aim for about 80% occupancy. This not only reduces stress but also allows for better air circulation.
  2. The Replacement Rule: Only bring new objects into your life when they replace something old that has lost its usefulness. This rule encourages you to reflect on the true value of your possessions.
  3. The One-Touch Rule: Arrange your belongings for easy access. Avoid storing items in complicated ways that hinder your reach. You should be able to grab whatever you need with just two movements.
  4. The Rule of Autonomy, Freedom, and Ease of Use: Organize your space vertically. This creates a sense of order, harmony, and cleanliness in your home.
  5. The Automatic Gear Rule: Make order a habit. Try not to put anything down unless it’s in its designated spot. Over time, this will create a naturally organized environment in your home.

How to Apply the Danshari Method

Think of Danshari as a way to declutter without the stress of traditional tidying. It’s about freeing yourself from objects you no longer use or need. Instead of feeling guilty, embrace a simpler life with room for new experiences.

Danshari can extend beyond your physical space. Apply it to your emails, computer files, and even your relationships. Let go of items you no longer need by thanking them for their time with you and releasing them.

In the end, Danshari offers you the chance to create a reflection of your true self in your living space. It’s about making your home more welcoming and your life more spacious. So, are you ready to embark on a journey towards a clutter-free, happier life?

Remember, Danshari isn’t about being perfect; it’s about progress. Start small, celebrate your victories, and enjoy the newfound freedom that comes with decluttering. Your path to happiness begins with simplicity.




Shcherbatenko Ekaterina

Talking about sustainable fashion. Founder @ BelongApp, AI-Assisted App for Stress-Free Reselling