How to Stop Procrastination?

Two Mental Models that help you to get traction!

Jonas Schimmel
5 min readFeb 7, 2022

Nearly everyone struggles with procrastination!

The chances that you also procrastinate is very high, especially when you read this article.
Maybe you procrastinate right now.

There are two easy models, that makes your life a lot easier. And I will show you these in a moment.

But before we come to these two techniques, we have to look at some points, why people procrastinate.

Why do people procrastinate?

The first thing to mention is fear. Especially when it comes to doing something in public, our conscious mind starts working. What if … and what if …. And what if…

I think you get it. Many people have a lot of trouble showing their work online because they fear what other people can think of them.
It possibly surprises you. But in the real world, nobody is interested in what you are doing in the first place. Potentially, after some weeks or even months, they start to recognise your work. And even then, it is not relevant for most people.

The next point that I want to mention is mental overload or underload. If you have a mental overload, it is much too hard to tackle this challenge, and you have a lot of friction. If a task is overwhelming, you will never start doing it in the long run. It is similar to mental underload. But this time, the task is too boring to do. You don’t do it and push it from one date to another.

Another reason why you procrastinate is bad time and priority management. Let’s take a closer look at this. What I mean by bad time management are your commitment to your schedule and your goals. You don’t do it, and that is bad. Instead of committing and doing, you do some shallow work, that brings you nowhere.

Priority management is quite similar. Maybe you have a clue what the 20% are, they bring you the most ROI. But you don’t do it. Maybe it is fear, maybe it is something else. But the result is the same. You run in circles.

Perfectionism is the second last point on this list. For this, I have to mention that procrastination is not only laying on your couch and watching some videos or scrolling through social media. Procrastination is also to do the shallow work instead of the real work that brings you further.

If you are a perfectionist, you will never get the results that you want. You will never start the project that you are dreaming of. You will never get what you want. Furthermore, you need to tackle perfectionism.

The last point that I want to mention why you procrastinate is a lack of concentration. If you can’t do focused work for at least 25 minutes straight, you have a critical lack of concentration.

That is the reason you should train your focus abilities.

Why you should know why you procrastinate?

If you are scrolling down and stopped here, please go back and read the paragraphs above. That is important because you need to know the root of your procrastination. The two techniques will help you for a moment but not every time. If you know why you are procrastinating, it is easier to act and stop procrastination.

Long-term, you have to work on the basis and not only on the symptoms.

That is, why you have to know why you procrastinate.

Technique Number One

This Technique is known as the 5-Minute-Rule. And it is nothing else to set up a timer at 5 Minutes. In these 5 Minutes, you start the task. After 5 minutes, feel free to stop working on that task. Nine out of ten times you will not stop working. And even if you stop after the 5 minutes, you have made the biggest step. You started the task. And you know that this is the biggest friction. When you started once, you will also start another time because you start from one and not from zero.

Try it and do it over and over again. Every time you recognise that you procrastinate, you know you have to do the work immediately.

Technique Number Two

This is my personal favourite. I love this technique.


Gamification is the way of making a game out of your hard tasks. Before you start to work on your task, you take 5 minutes and analyse your task. Then start to dissect this in numerous doable tasks. These dissected tasks are your levels. Like in a computer game. If you have done one level, you can go to the next one. And so on. But one point you should never forget. Set yourself a time limit for every level.

In the end, you made all levels and played through the game. That is gamification. And it is so satisfying!

Let’s take an example and make it a lot more practical:

You want to start publishing articles here on medium. It seems like a big challenge. But if you dissect this challenge, it becomes easier.
So let’s have a look.

Level 1: 15 min
What do I want to write about? What are my topics? etc.

Level 2: 15 min
Find ten or more ideas to write about!

Level 3: 5 min
Which article do I want to write?

Level 4: 5 min
Find a Headline

Level 5: 15 min
Take notes. What’s the content of this article?

Level 6: 10 min
Write your first paragraph

Level 7: 10 min
Write your second paragraph

Level 8: 10 min
Write your third paragraph

Level 9: 10 min
Write your fourth paragraph

Level 10: 10 min
Write your final paragraph

Level 11: 15 min
Find a better Headline

Level 12: 30 min
Edit your article

Level 13: 10 min
Find a nice picture that fits your article

Level 14: 2 min
Upload your article

Level 15: 5 min
Have a final read and then press the publish button!

Please take this as an example. It is not my plan and maybe there are steps that you are missing or there are too many steps for you.

The reason for this example is to show you how easy it can be to start writing or publishing something on the internet.




Jonas Schimmel

I'm writing about self leadership, productivity and communication.