What Is That Metallic Taste in Your Mouth?

Dr. John Schmid, DDS
4 min readDec 28, 2018


If you’ve started to notice an unpleasant metallic taste in your mouth, you’re not alone. Many men and women experience this sensation, and it’s usually nothing that a trip to your dentist can’t take care of. A metallic taste can be a sign of a serious disease, but this is very rare and will occur alongside other symptoms. A metallic taste by itself is most often simply a sign of a dental infection or other dental problem.

Dental Causes of Metallic Taste

A metallic taste in the mouth can occur for a variety of reasons having to do with the teeth and gums, such as:

· Tooth decay

· Gum disease

· Broken filling or crown

· Dry mouth

Infection is a common reason for a metallic taste. If you practice poor dental hygiene, you will most likely end up with cavities, inflamed gums, or both. Leaving these untreated can cause infection, which often creates an unpleasant taste.

If you have gums that are painful or bleed when you brush or floss, or if you start to have pain in a tooth, then you should visit your dentist as soon as possible. Tooth decay and gum disease can be treated very effectively when caught early, and the metallic taste should disappear as soon as your mouth is healthy again.

Another reason for a metallic taste in the mouth is a broken filling or crown. This often occurs after a root canal, as the temporary filling used before your crown is placed is soft and can be easily chipped, broken, or dislodged. If you notice a metallic taste after your root canal, visit your dentist so that they can check on the state of your filling.

Dry mouth can be another culprit when it comes to a metallic taste. This is especially common if you’re taking medicines or vitamins that contain metals such as zinc or iron. Dry mouth can be prevented by drinking plenty of water and chewing gum to stimulate saliva production. Once your mouth is no longer dry, the metallic taste should disappear.

Other Causes of Metallic Taste

Again, infection is the main culprit behind an unpleasant, metallic taste in the mouth. In addition to dental infection, sinus infection or inner ear infection can also cause a bad taste in the mouth. If you think one of these may be the root cause, you may want to think about visiting an ear, nose, and throat specialist.

Other, less common, reasons for a metallic taste can include:

· Pregnancy

· Kidney or liver problems

· Diabetes

· Dementia

· Cancer treatment

If the metallic taste in your mouth does not go away on its own or after a visit to the dentist, make an appointment with your doctor to see if there’s anything wrong. In some cases, a metallic taste can be a sign of a serious health concern, and it’s better to catch health problems sooner rather than later.

How to Prevent Metallic Taste in Mouth

Since the most common reason for a metallic taste in the mouth is poor oral hygiene, the best way to prevent it is to maintain a great oral health routine. Some of the things you can do to help keep your mouth healthy and free of bad tastes include:

· Brush twice a day and floss at least once a day

· Use a mouthwash

· Rinse your mouth with water after eating, especially after eating anything sugary

· Avoid eating too many sweets

· Avoid hard or sticky foods

· Visit your dentist every 4 or 6 months

If flossing is too painful for you because of sensitive gums, try a water pick. These are effective but less painful on the gums than regular floss. In addition, using an electric toothbrush can improve the efficiency of your brushing and help regulate the pressure you use so that you don’t hurt your gums.

Bacteria build up on the teeth after eating and drinking, so rinsing with water is a great way to help remove food particles and bacteria if you can’t brush your teeth right away. Rinsing with water after drinking coffee or eating berries can also help to prevent staining.

If you maintain good oral habits, you’ll have less of a chance of getting an infection which leads to a metallic taste in the mouth.



Dr. John Schmid, DDS

Dr. Schmid has created a patient-focused practice that is centered around providing exceptional services intended to address all of your smile’s needs.