The Ancestors and Offsprings of DevOps, the Evolving DevOps Tree

Sreeprakash Neelakantan
4 min readDec 7, 2021


Business Needs Automation and DevOps is Paving the Way

Why should the business care about DevOps, and should we use automation are no longer relevant. It is time to understand the branches into which DevOps is evolving so that we aren’t left behind the race.

The Ancestors of DevOps

The Quality Movement

The quality movement was influenced by W. Edwards Deming, a statistician from Bell Labs, who came up with the concept of “Total Quality Management” which encompassed all aspects of a company, from production to delivery.

The fourteen points in the Quality Movement range from creating a constant purpose toward improvement to making “transformation” everyone’s job. These 14 points are a guide to continuous change and progress throughout organizations.

The Lean Movement

The Toyota Lean movement was a management philosophy that was introduced in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

Toyota defines lean as “a continuous process of improvement that focuses on the elimination of waste (muda) and then identifies and reduces the use of resources (such as energy, materials, space and time) that are not required to create value.”

The principles of lean manufacturing are: reducing lead time, reducing inventory, eliminating waste, running equipment at full capacity, and continuous improvement

The Agile Movement

The Agile Movement was designed in the early 2000s by a group of software developers who were frustrated with the traditional ways of developing software.

The Agile Movement is a set of values and principles that encourage collaboration across all levels of an organization, from leadership to frontline workers. The Agile Movement is based on four core values, individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, responding to change over following a rigid plan.

Offsprings of DevOps

DevOps is a software development process that aims to bridge the gap between developers and IT operations. It involves collaboration, automation, and integration of both IT and development teams in order to improve efficiency. As DevOps evolves, so does the term “DevOps”. Listing below a few offsprings of DevOps specializing in various areas going beyond the traditional software development and deployments (CI/CD).


DevSecOps is a practice that integrates application security with software development and operations to allow for a more secure environment and deployments. Security components of your delivery pipelines are implemented from the leftmost end onwards.

This practice is beneficial for both the customer and the company because it reduces the number of vulnerabilities in their code.


AIOps stands for Artificial Intelligence in IT Operations. It is a technology that is used to keep operations running smoothly by monitoring and analyzing logs from IT systems.

The goal of AIOps is to make an IT environment more efficient, effective, proactive, and responsive to changes in the environment. AIOps are becoming popular among enterprises because they are able to do tasks much better than humans are able to do them

DataOps — Moving from Big Data to Good Data!

DataOps is the process of transforming data into insights. DataOps includes Data Science, Data Engineering, and Big Data.
The term was coined by Gartner in their report “The Evolving Role of the Chief Data Officer.” The report suggests that companies need to begin looking at data as a resource to be managed instead of as an asset which can be used up.


MLOps is a combination of ML (Machine Learning) and OPS (Operations). MLOps seeks to make ML more efficient, scalable, and consistent.

Dr. Andrew Ng the most respected figure in the field of Artificial Intelligence, gave a significant talk in the above video, where he sets the flow for MLOps as Project->Data Collection-> Model Training->Model Deployment. The Data Collection, Model Training, and Deployments are put through the MLOps iterative cycle.


The idea of BizDevOps is to enhance efficiency further by collaborating with all stakeholders, including the customers and business owners. As we know that DevOps is all about breaking the barrier between the developers and the operations teams. If we inspect closely, we should identify more obstacles in the flow. BizDevOps helps dissolve one such silo, namely business needs, and technology.


If we look closely, especially with the popularity of Docker Containers and Kubernetes in conjunction with infrastructure as code, the Ops part of DevOps is getting almost 100% automated. And, here is where DevOps turns into something called NoOps. The CI/CD ends after the creation of deployable Docker Containers.

To conclude, let us remember that the goal of automation is to increase the quality and velocity of your application while keeping an eye on the business expectations.

