Reading// Cosmotechnics as Cosmopolitics

4 min readNov 17, 2019

Cosmotechnics as Cosmopolitics/Yuk Hui/ :

🌟cosmopolitics 宇宙政治

cosmopolitics against “cosmopolitan”(which link with kant “citizen of the cosmos”)

斯坦杰认为这是一种误用 —politics are not only about human

politic — order


1、we are witnessing the end of unilateral globalization.


911-自体免疫 — 是内在大西洋阵营冷战遗留反共细胞对主人的打击


throwing the baby out with the bathwater

— — 当代西方已经丧失了对自身的信仰。在启蒙和后启蒙期间,这种信仰丧失解放了巨大的商业与创造性力量,但与此同时,它也使西方变得脆弱

2、the human species on earth is confronting the crisis of the Anthropocene.


cosmotechnics — 重新讨论技术

Thesis: Technology is an anthropological universal, understood as an exteriorization of memory and the liberation of organs, as some anthropologists and philosophers of technology have formulated it;

Antithesis: Technology is not anthropologically universal; it is enabled and constrained by particular cosmologies, which go beyond mere functionality or utility. Therefore, there is no one single technology, but rather multiple cosmotechnics.




§1. Cosmopolitanism: Between Nature and Technology


Nature “completion of a hidden plan of nature” cause the end goal of politic “completion of a hidden plan of nature”

2⃣️Hannah Arendt and Eckart Förster:

(kant’s thesis was one-sided )

1\ Kant’s political philosophy centers on his concept of nature

2\ *affirms community (Gemeinschaft) and reciprocity (Wechselwirkung)


kant tree example

1\tree reproduces another tree

2\tree produces it self

3\a part is always constrained by the whole

— nature can only be comprehended as a complex whole, and the human species, as one part of it, will ultimately progress towards a universal history that coincides with the teleology of nature.


Kant develops his thinking towards universalism

his thought between cosmopolitans and purposiveness of nature is situated in a peculiar moment in history: simultaneous enchantment and disenchantment of nature.

“Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing wonder and awe, the more often and constantly reflection concerns itself with them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.”


Point to Kantian physiology of the soul and the cosmos

— With me ( freedom)

— Above me

2\ the affirmation of “universal history”and advancements in science and technology led in the “death of the cosmos”(Remi Brague)

? End of Cosmology after tech and science developing

total secularization of the cosmosy 宇宙世俗化

teleology 目的论 — 现象是为了目的发生的

ontology 本体论 Cartesian — there are only three kinds of substance: mind, matter and God.

Tech is important

communication is the condition of the realization of the organicist whole

sensus communis


§2. “Ontological Turn” as Cosmopolitics

Kant — -single nature

Author — -multi-naturalism (reconsider cosmopolitanism by examining its relation to nature and technology// it is necessary to consider cosmopolitics from the point of view of locality )

Ontological turn has influence with Anthropocene/terms of ecological crisis

Descola 4 major ontologies:

naturalism, — — moden — — opposition between culture and nature,






in animism the role of nature is based on the continuity of spirituality, despite the discontinuity of physicality.

anthropology of nature

About the oppositions between nature and technics, mythology and reason


the world process will stamp out differences and diversities and lead to a “theodicy.”

left intellectuals

feel the need to extol indigenous ontology or biology as a way out of modernity

Central to the anthropologists’ concept of “nature” and “ontology” is cosmology,

Since “nature” is defined according to different “ecologies of relations”

e.g., the parental relation between females and vegetables, or brotherhood between hunters and animals.

“multi-ontologies are expressed as multi-natures”

reformulate the question of cosmopolitics in relation to cosmotechnics.


§3. Cosmotechnics as Cosmopolitics


it is the unification of the cosmos and the moral through technical activities, whether craft-making or art-making.


Black Notebooks (Schwarze Hefte)

If communism in China should come to rule, one can assume that only in this way will China become ‘free’ for technology. What is this process?

1\ technology is not universal, but international

2\chinese unable to resist technology,after communism seized power in the country

technological globalization as a form of neocolonization

Author hope to beyond H’s view, and give two vies from himself:

1) a desire to respond to the ontological turn in anthropology, which aims to tackle the problem of modernity by proposing an ontological pluralism;

2) a desire to update the insufficient discourse on technology that is largely associated with Heidegger’s critique of technology.



Point : history of such a cosmotechnics

cosmotechnics in china:

QI and DAO 器和道

— -unification of the moral and the cosmic

intellectual intuition


dismissed the possibility that human beings could possess such an intuition


the moral arises out of the experience of the infinity of the cosmos, which necessitates infinitization as the condition of possibility for Dasein’s finitude.


Dao belongs to the noumenon

Qi belongs to the phenomenon

art — put Qi into noumenon

Pao Ding’s bullock

way(path) versus tool

To reopen the question of technology is to refuse this homogeneous technological future that is presented to us as the only option.




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