Why Crypto Capitulation Is Not An Option: A Former Retail Investor’s Perspective

David Schwartz
3 min readMay 13, 2018

The cryptocurrency landscape is a frighteningly sexy social experiment, many times with mind numbing extremes attached to it. On most counts, nothing within in it or about it is normal. And luckily, it cannot be if it has any hope of succeeding.

It would be safe to wager that every person around the planet who is, has, or will be putting money into crypto has done so with the hopes of a positive return of some kind. Anyone who states differently is lying. What type of return, though, can vary by person.

A ‘positive return’ is not monopolized by the ideal of financial gains. It can also include social and specific ideological ones. But that is not how many view crypto at the moment. Because currencies are a vehicle for the financial layer of society, it is only natural that we see cryptocurrencies in the same manner.

I started out focused almost solely on making money when I entered into crypto, but over time and through educating myself, I realized the tech behind it didn’t really need my monetary aspirations to succeed. The moment the first block was mined, that was the moment we could most equate its beginning to a ‘big bang’ type of inception. And in the same way many scientists believe is the case with our universe, the blockchain will continually expand…



David Schwartz

Project Director for the Litecoin Foundation and CEO & Co-Founder of Cornerstone Global Management, LLC, David has been in the crypto space since mid-2017