Sheldon Schwartz
1 min readMay 13, 2017


Amazing list!

I should compile mine someday — very similar. Kinda spooky really.

I think I have dropped Adobe products generally — but that could be due to current work & requirements at this time. (I do have to fire up PS if dealing with outside artwork.)

There is something about the freedom from that complex Adobe interface… Ahh…

It was cool to see Transmit on your list. I had used this waay back in the day. It is what led me to using Panic’s Coda (now Coda 2). Coda 2 has still kept me from ever jumping onto the Sublime Text bandwagon. There is some added minimalism with this choice — since Coda 2 also includes Transmit under the covers. (Cool to see that you were a Coda user too!)

Love the list!

PS: Have you checked out Visual Studio Code yet? I would love to hear your take on it. (I have some trepidation due to, um… It is a Microsoft product!)(Even more spooky!) That said, it does currently reside on my Mac and I pop it open every once in awhile.



Sheldon Schwartz

Husband, Dad, Everyday Explorer & Adventurer, Lifestyle-Focused, Plant-Interested, Biker, Trail Runner, Creative Consultant & Trouble Maker... If not now, WHEN?