Data Justice is a Game ChangerCommunity-based participatory research and other equity approaches to data revitalize research, improve evaluation, and yield better data.Feb 27, 2020Feb 27, 2020
Opening Up Grants Processes Helps Both Communities and FundersWhen grantmakers accept unsolicited grant proposals, they learn more about community needs.Feb 27, 2020Feb 27, 2020
Whose Job Is It to Help Build Public Trust in Science?Scientists, research institutions and science writers have different roles to play.Apr 23, 2019Apr 23, 2019
Science, Meet Journalism. You Two Should Talk.Science and the Media Need Each Other. They Just Don’t Know it Yet.Mar 14, 2019Mar 14, 2019
How civic actors can collaborate to strengthen civic lifeLibrarians, scientists, academics and journalists can achieve more by working togetherMar 12, 2019Mar 12, 2019
Philanthropy Can’t Solve the Toughest Problems Unless It Breaks Out of Program SilosThis essay was originally published in the Chronicle of PhilanthropyMar 5, 2019Mar 5, 2019
Published inOffice of CitizenScience has a trust problemScience and the media seek to reset relations with the publicMay 22, 2018May 22, 2018
Published inTrust, Media and DemocracyScience’s trust problemScience, like the media, seeks to reset relations with the publicMay 16, 20185May 16, 20185