Science articles for laypeopleHow Hoverflies NavigateHoverflies use a time-compensated sun compass to orientate during autumn migrationAug 27, 202210Aug 27, 202210
Science articles for laypeopleIs paternal oxytocin an oxymoron?How do hormonal levels in men change from pregnancy to after the birth of their firstborn child and what is their role in explaining the…Aug 13, 2022Aug 13, 2022
Science articles for laypeopleComparison of dogs and humans in visual scanning of social interactionResearchers Heini Törnqvist, Sanni Somppi, Aija Koskela, Christina M. Krause, Outi Vainio and Miiamaaria V. Kujala compared the eye…Aug 5, 20221Aug 5, 20221
Science articles for laypeopleFixing a torn blood vessel in the heart in pregnancy successfully!Unique Case of Spontaneous Left Main Coronary Dissection in Second Trimester of Pregnancy Successfully Treated with Percutaneous Coronary…Jul 22, 2022Jul 22, 2022
Science articles for laypeopleHow the morning-afternoon cloudiness asymmetry affects the optimal direction of fixed solar panelsResearchers Péter Takács, Judit Slíz-Balogh, Ákos Horváth, Dániel Horváth, Imre M. Jánosi and Gábor HorváthJul 2, 20221Jul 2, 20221
Science articles for laypeopleDomestic cats prefer freely available food over food that requires effortDomestic cats (Felis catus) prefer freely available food over food that requires effort, unlike pigs, giraffes, rats, manned wolves…Jun 24, 20222Jun 24, 20222