Tools you need for Editing and Proofreading.

science editorium
3 min readAug 3, 2021


Table of Contents:

Top editing and proofreading tools

· Grammarly

· ProWriting Aid

· Hemingway App

· Ginger Software


Gone are the days when editing a paper used to take time. However, thanks to advanced technologies and software, this once hard and strenuous job have become a child’s play. Individuals can simply select, copy and paste the content to dedicated websites and have their proofreading done within minutes and even seconds.

Although many websites have recently popped up promising the writers with exceptional grammar and spell checks, not everyone might be legit. Hence, below, we have compiled the top tools to help you with your required task without hiring expensive editing and proofreading services.

Top editing and proofreading tools


The best buddy of almost all writers, Grammarly is generally the first name that comes across as the best editing tool. Equipped with many advanced features, the platform is an all-around software capable of flagging grammar mistakes and even finding redundant words. The software works by highlighting the mistakes in different color ranges, with a detailed guide to their correct usage. Moreover, available as free and premium subscriptions, individuals can also connect to professional human editors. Possibly with just a few clicks, you can also download the mobile app for seamless editing anywhere at any time.

ProWriting Aid

Launched as the competitor of Grammarly, the ProWriting Aid also works similar to that of the editing giant. Available as a cloud program, the software can be loaded onto browser extensions or used with Google Docs and MS Office (Windows). Upon pasting content, the tool effectively runs thorough tests that help find any typos, punctuation mistakes, or other critical grammar issues that might have missed the eyes. However, unlike Grammarly, you may need to manually rectify the mistakes rather than getting one-click fixes, which might be a downside of the tool.

Hemingway App

A strong contender to the above two tools, the Hemingway app arrives with an offline feature that surely gets it more points. Designed to help find regular grammar issues, the tool is much more suitable for bloggers than professional authors. When checked, the platform provides only generalized guidance to writing better rather than getting into facts. Similarly, usable only at WordPress and Medium, book authors might not get much help from this free software solution when looking for professional editing and proofreading services.

Ginger Software

Finally, ranking in the fourth and the last one of the lists of legit editing tools, the Ginger Software manages to do somewhat of a decent job. Initially launched to help out aspiring writers make their content professionally cleaner and more adaptable with changing grammar rules, the software has unfortunately failed to stir many audiences. With much lesser attributes, the tool only helps clean out typos and regular grammar mistakes and hence is not best preferable when opting for research paper editing services.


However, if you find yourself occupied with too many tasks to make room for elite proofreading, consider hiring The Science Editorium- one of the best editing and proofreading services available online.



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Science Editorium provide a wide range of effective and affordable author support service. We help you write,edit,submit,revise,publish,and promote your paper