Homemade pizza recipe

5 min readSep 18, 2020


Homemade pizza

Homemade pizza

Great news! here I am going to show you a very easy, simple as well as tasty homemade pizza recipe using an oven including pizza dough, homemade pizza

Homemade pizza recipe using the oven

Tools for making pizza at home

·Kitchen scale

· Mixer with dough hook attachments, your hand will remain great for mixing.

· Pizza stones.

· Pizza peels.

· Ladles and squeeze bottles.

Steps to make pizza at home

FIRSTLY-Make your pizza dough at home

Ingredient for making pizza dough

· Water(1/2 cups)(105F-115F)

· Salt(2 teaspoons)

· Yeast (2 1/4)(active dry yeast)

· Olive oil(2 tablespoons)

· Bread flour(490 gram)


· Never use maida regularly because it is very dangerous to our health. If you don’t have flour simply use pure aata, it will work nicely

· Make sure that you are using active yeast

· Use bread flour, it is gluten-rich and makes your pizza more Crispy

· Use kitchen scale for accurate measurements


Warm water

Just warm the water lightly, remember that water should not be boiled, highly warm water will kill the yeast. The ideal water temperature is (40C-43C).

Add yeast to lightly warm water and sprinkle sugar as well

· Make sure you are using active yeast

Add active yeast in the lightly warm water and spray sugar as well. Stir the mixture gently and keep the mixture undisturbed for 10–12 minutes until the solution started bubbling and become forthy

Add Flour, Salt, and Olive oil

Now at this stage (mixture turned frothy) add flour, salt, and olive oil into the mixture. And knead this mixture for 7–10 minutes until dough become soft and elastic. Make the ball of the dough and apply a thin layer of oil so that it doesn’t dry.

Homemade pizza dough

Pizza dough is ready now

Let the pizza dough to be doubled in size

Cover the dough with plastic cover and place it in a warm place (75°F to 85°F) it will take 1–2 hours to become doubled in size.

Freeze the rest of the pizza

In 45 minutes you will get double pizza dough. Bake your desired pizza and refrigerate the rest of the pizza for the next day. Refrigerated pizza has a better flavor. If you want to use this dough then allow it to come down to room temperature. I allowed it to rest for 90 minutes.

After 90 minutes, you will see that your pizza dough will be ready. Preheat oven for almost 20–25 minutes at 220C-240C.

If you are using a pizza stone, heat that in the oven as well…

If you don’t have pizza stone then you may use a pizza pan or anything that will not wrap

Divide the pizza dough into parts

First of all, apply some flour on your hands and press the dough down to defeat it. Divide the pizza dough into your desired parts.

Flatten dough pizza ball

Spread a small amount of flour on a tray. Pick a ball and flatten it to almost 9 inches thin and even base.

Brush the dough top with oil

Press dough down with the help of fingerprints. Brush the dough top with oil so that the dough top will not get soggy. Repeat this same procedure with another dough ball.

Sprinkle Pizza meal with cornmeal

Apply cornmeal on your pizza meal. It will help to move pizza from pizza peel to oven easily

If the pizza has lost its shape while transferring then don’t get upset gently shape it to your desired shape

Apply your desired tomato sauce

Apply your desired tomato sauce on the pizza and keep your desired toppings on the pizza


· Apply a layer of cheese and move it in the oven onto the baking stone for baking. You may apply a layer of veggies too. I mostly use bell pepper, Onion, and Olive. You may use cauliflower and Mushrooms. Sprinkle your desired chili flakes.

· Wait for some minutes until it bakes until cheese gets a golden color

· Now your pizza is ready, serve hot pizza and enjoy

Homemade pizza

How long to cook homemade pizza

Homemade pizza dough preparation time is long. It will take 2 hours, be patience

Pizza baking or cooking time is 30 minutes

Important tips for homemade pizza

BEST Flour

All-purpose and bread pizza flour are best for making pizza dough at home however you may use double zero flour too

BEST sauce

Use tomato sauce like my homemade pizza

Best cheese

Try cheese that has a low melting point and low moisture content for baking pizza at home

Healthy pizza facts

·Healthy pizza facts

Sugar:3.8 g

· Protein:12.2g

· Fat:10.4g

· Sodium:640mg

· Carbohydrates:35.7g

· Fiber:2.5g

