One Of The Largest Gatherings In The Global Movement, Chicagoans Show Up United For Science And Evidence Based Policies

March for Science Chicago
3 min readApr 24, 2017



CHICAGO, IL: The March for Science Chicago took place on April 22, 2017. The crowds drew estimates of nearly 60,000 marchers united under the March’s nonpartisan mission and evidence-based policies that are built on an ethical approach to science.

Chicago’s Marchers from Stage

Dr. Lee Bitsoi, Karen R. Weigert, Garry Cooper, PhD, 8th Grader Fredy Lopez, March For Science Chicago Directors Adam Arcus and Kristian Aloma, and Keynote Speaker Emily Graslie all spoke to the gathering of scientists, science enthusiasts, and science supporters early on Saturday morning.

Chicagoans then marched to Museum Campus at the foot of The Field Museum’s South Steps, where they took their next step in supporting and engaging science. Over fifty organizations, institutions, researchers, and scientists gathered at tables with the energized crowds and held conversations about science, recruited volunteers, and discussed potential citizen science efforts in Chicago.

Garry Cooper, PhD; Karen R. Weigert; Emily Graslie; Dr. Lee Bistoi; Fredy Lopez

March For Science Chicago now continues its mission of bridging the widening gap between the public and the science that serves it through community involvement, advocacy, design, and science communication. For more information visit:


“Today is quite possibly the largest global event in the name of science in all of human history. Over 600 hundred cities across the globe, right now, are uniting for science. […] Now, let’s show the world why Chicago is the Science City. Second to none.”

- Adam Arcus

“All people have curiosity in themselves from the moment they are born to right now. If you are Hispanic, Black, White, Asian. It doesn’t matter. Anyone’s idea can make a difference in the world. That’s the beauty of science.”

- Fredy Lopez

“It’s so wonderful to hear everyone in this crowd shouting for science, speaking for science, here for science whether you’re on Columbus or whether you’re online listening to this, thank you so much for coming together for science.”

- Kristian Aloma

“Our March for Science is to reiterate the message that diversity drives scientific research. We see the results in the various ways in which diverse scientific research is leading the way to address some of the challenges that minority communities face, for example, ensuring that everyone has access to safe drinking water.”

- Dr. Lee Bitsoi

“Acting brings science to life. In Chicago we have learned to turn down the heat and have strengthened our city accordingly. We have built streets that reflect the heat of the sun keeping our neighborhoods cool and we have built school programs that transform the heat of an argument, helping cooler heads to prevail.”

- Karen R Weigert

“Science is an opportunity. An opportunity to learn, and grow, and contribute, no matter who you are, no matter where come from, and no matter what you look like. And so, it’s my personal mission to ensure that the opportunities afforded to me through science remain robust and available for generations to come.”

- Garry Cooper, PhD

“We are all members of the scientific community in one way or another. We are educators, artists, communicators and writers, and passionate lifelong learners who have an obligation and a mission to help others understand and empathize with our beautiful and fragile world.”

- Emily Graslie



March for Science Chicago

We are scientists. We are enthusiasts. We are seekers of knowledge. We are Chicagoans. We are humans.