Anjali Mudra — Position, Benefits & Meaning | Mudra Science

Mudra Science
2 min readSep 20, 2017


Some of us may find a subconscious resistance to bringing our hands together as if it were a sign of submission. However, the beauty of this gesture, which positions us right at the core of our being, is timeless and universal. Anjali mudra is but one of thousands of types of mudras that are used in Hindu rituals, classical dance, and yoga. As you bring your hands together at your center, you are literally connecting the right and left hemispheres of your brain.

The Anjali Mudra is also seen in Buddhism, Hinduism and many other religions. Of course, in the West it is seen as being the hand gesture of prayer. Anjali Mudra is so closely associated with religion, many non-religious people do not wish to make the gesture.

Anjali Mudra Position:

· Simply bring the hands together at the palms with the fingers reaching upwards.

· The hands are pressed together firmly and evenly.

· If using this mudra in yoga, the hands will usually be placed in front of the heart.

· The hands will be in front of the center of the torso.

Anjali Mudra Meaning:

The Anjali Mudra means “Namaste” and is regularly used in greetings.


· Bringing the palms together in the Anjali Mudra connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

· The Anjali Mudra connects the practitioner with spirituality.

· The mudra promotes respect for oneself and others.

· The mudra is a natural remedy for stress and anxiety.

· It is a useful mudra for entering into a meditative state.

Time Duration:

No particular time duration for this mudra. It is also often used in yoga practice, such as during Sun Salutations and Tadasana.


Nothing at all. Perform this asana freely.

