I Tried Magnesium Breakthrough from BiOptimizers — Here’s What Happened

Science of Supplements
8 min readApr 11, 2024

Have you been looking for a natural solution to boost your magnesium intake and improve your sleeping? This supplement might be just what you’re looking for.

I tried BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough and you would not believe what happened. I’ll get more into that in a moment.

In this article we’ll talk about BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough, a supplement designed to provide you with the benefits of multiple forms of magnesium.

We explore the ingredients, my experience with the product, the company and it’s owners, and more. Let’s dive in to learn more about this popular supplement from BiOptimizers.

magnesium breakthrough review cover picture

What is BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough?

BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough is a powerful health supplement formulated to provide numerous benefits to the body. This breakthrough supplement (pun intended) is designed to support overall health and well-being by optimizing magnesium levels in the body, promoting relaxation, and improving energy levels.

Primarily the supplement focuses on these key benefits in its marketing: better sleep, stress reduction, better health by optimizing magnesium levels, and better digestion.

Derived from a blend of several forms of magnesium, this unique formula ensures maximum absorption and effectiveness for users. By addressing magnesium deficiency, Magnesium Breakthrough aids in stress relief, muscle relaxation, and quality sleep. This supplement also plays a crucial role in enhancing cardiovascular health, maintaining bone density, and supporting cognitive function. Users experience a profound improvement in their quality of life, with increased vitality, mental clarity, and overall well-being.

My Experience With Magnesium Breakthrough

When trying Magnesium Breakthrough, one night after taking 2 capsules, I astonishingly slept for 11 hours straight, without waking up in the middle of the night.

I had to check the clock multiple times just to make sure I was seeing things right!

Normally, I would consider a good night of sleep around 8 hours, and that might be with waking up once or twice in the middle of the night.

I do believe that magnesium helps overall with relaxation, lowering stress, and sleep.

I found that taking magnesium in the morning seems to be more enjoyable than taking it at night (although many people prefer taking it at night), as it starts the day with a nice relaxation.

😴 Click here to get Magnesium Breakthrough for the best prices

Who Is BiOptimizers?

BiOptimizers is a renowned health company dedicated to providing high-quality products that support the body’s natural processes. With a focus on optimizing health through innovative formulas and research-backed supplements, BiOptimizers has become a trusted name in the wellness industry.

Understanding the importance of health optimization, BiOptimizers aims to enable individuals to take control of their well-being. Their mission revolves around enhancing overall health, digestion, and performance through their cutting-edge products. Whether you are looking to improve gut health, boost immunity, or enhance nutrient absorption, BiOptimizers offers a diverse range of supplements catered to various health needs.

Driven by a commitment to quality and effectiveness, BiOptimizers ensures that each product undergoes rigorous testing and adheres to the highest industry standards. Their dedication to transparency and customer satisfaction sets them apart in a market filled with health supplements.

About The Co-Owners

Matt Gallant and Wade Lightheart, the co-owners of BiOptimizers, are visionary leaders in the health and wellness industry. Their dedication to creating effective and accessible health solutions has transformed the lives of many individuals.

Matt Gallant

Matt Gallant, a key figure in BiOptimizers, has played a crucial role in the company’s success by spearheading innovative health solutions that deliver exceptional results to consumers.

His unwavering dedication to optimizing human performance through cutting-edge supplements and education has positioned BiOptimizers as a leader in the industry.

By harnessing his expertise in biohacking and nutrition, Gallant has created a range of products that address key health concerns and enable individuals to live their best lives.

Under his guidance, the company has seen remarkable growth and garnered recognition for its commitment to quality and efficacy.

Wade Lightheart

Wade Lightheart, the co-owner of BiOptimizers, is known for his expertise in formulating effective health solutions that have transformative effects on individuals’ well-being. He is also an advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute.

His innovative formulas have set a new standard in the health and wellness industry, and his deep understanding of human physiology and nutrition has enabled him to create cutting-edge supplements that not only address specific health concerns but also optimize overall wellness.

I’ve talked with Wade personally and he’s an extremely positive person that is incredibly enthusiastic about health and helping others to achieve great health. He’s super passionate about it and has worked with some big names in the fitness industry.

One thing I’ve also noticed about Wade is his desire for the highest-quality products, and you can see that come through in his products at Bioptimizers, including Magnesium Breakthrough.

Here’s a video of Wade Lightheart excitedly explaining the benefits of Magnesium Breakthrough shortly after it’s release:

😴 Click here to get Magnesium Breakthrough for the best prices now

What Ingredients Are In BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough?

BiOptimizers’ Magnesium Breakthrough contains a unique blend of essential ingredients, including magnesium chelate, citrate, bisglycinate, malate, taurate, orotate, and aspartate. These ingredients work synergistically to optimize magnesium levels in the body and promote overall well-being.

Each of these ingredients plays a crucial role in the formula.

  1. Magnesium chelate is known for its high bioavailability, ensuring effective absorption.
  2. Citrate aids in energy production and muscle function.
  3. Bisglycinate supports relaxation and stress relief.
  4. Malate contributes to ATP production, vital for cellular energy.
  5. Taurate benefits cardiac health.
  6. Orotate aids in DNA repair.
  7. Aspartate assists in neurotransmitter synthesis.

Together, these ingredients provide a comprehensive approach to supporting various bodily functions and maintaining optimal health.

magnesium breakthrough ingredients

How Does BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough Work?

BiOptimizers’ Magnesium Breakthrough works by utilizing a synergistic blend of premium ingredients to optimize magnesium levels in the body, supporting various bodily functions and promoting overall health and improvement.

Moreover, the magnesium in it is not synthetic, unlike many other magnesium supplements.

The combination of 7 different forms of magnesium in this supplement ensures comprehensive coverage, addressing potential deficiencies and contributing to better muscle function, nerve health, and cardiovascular support.

What are the Benefits of Taking BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough?

Taking BiOptimizers’ Magnesium Breakthrough offers a wide range of benefits, including stress relief, energy improvement, and better sleep quality. This breakthrough supplement enhances the quality of life for users by supporting overall health and well-being.

The benefits of Magnesium Breakthrough extend beyond physical well-being, as the calming effect it has on stress levels can also positively impact mental health. By promoting relaxation and reducing tension, users may experience a sense of calm and clarity, leading to improved focus and productivity throughout the day.

The boost in energy levels provided by this supplement can result in increased motivation and stamina, allowing individuals to accomplish tasks with ease and maintain a more active lifestyle.

The improved sleep quality facilitated by Magnesium Breakthrough plays a vital role in enhancing overall health. Restful sleep not only rejuvenates the body but also sharpens cognitive function and enhances mood, ensuring users wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

😴 Click here to get Magnesium Breakthrough for the best prices

Is Magnesium Breakthrough A Scam?

Saying that Magnesium Breakthrough is a scam would be unfounded if you are referring to not getting the ingredients you pay for.

While supplements have been notorious for delivering fillers, with less potency than advertised, or with additional toxic elements, BiOptimizers prides themselves on having extremely high-quality supplements and tests their products rigorously for toxins.

Warnings Of Buying Magnesium Breakthrough

While other supplements sometimes have had additional toxic elements added, BiOptimizers thoroughly tests their supplements to ensure purity and safety.

BiOptimizers points out, for example, that some magnesium supplements for example, have been tested to have very high mercury levels.

Each batch of Magnesium Breakthrough is produced under strict quality control standards and has been detected free of Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, and Fluoride.

Are There Any Side Effects of Taking BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough?

Consumers of BiOptimizers’ Magnesium Breakthrough can rest assured that the supplement is formulated to minimize any potential side effects. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

One of the common side effects associated with magnesium supplements, including Magnesium Breakthrough, is digestive upset, such as diarrhea or stomach cramps.

While these effects are generally mild and temporary, individuals with pre-existing gastrointestinal conditions should exercise caution.

Some people may experience minor headaches or dizziness when initiating magnesium supplementation, which usually subsides as the body adjusts to the changes.

How Should You Take BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough?

To maximize the benefits of BiOptimizers’ Magnesium Breakthrough, it is recommended to consume the supplement as directed by the company. Incorporating this breakthrough formula into a balanced diet can further enhance its effectiveness in supporting overall health and well-being.

The recommended dosage on the bottle is 2 capsules, however, consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen is advisable.

BiOptimizers provides additional guidance if you are ramping up to a larger quantity to replenish magnesium levels, before going to a maintenance level.

BiOptimizers recommends taking it on an empty stomach to allow for maximum absorption.

  • Keep in mind that consistency is key
  • To maximize the effectiveness of Magnesium Breakthrough, try to avoid taking it with high-calcium foods or supplements as they may interfere with its absorption.

Where Can I Get The Best Pricing For Magnesium Breakthrough?

The best pricing can be found here.

1 bottle: $40 + shipping

3 bottles: $33/bottle + free shipping (US)

5 bottles: $32/bottle + free shipping (US & CA)

12 bottles: $29/bottle + free shipping (US & CA)

Click here to get Magnesium Breakthrough at the best pricing

12 bottles of Magnesium Breakthrough

Is BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough Worth Trying?

BiOptimizers’ Magnesium Breakthrough is definitely worth trying for individuals seeking improvement in their overall health and well-being. With its proven track record of supporting consumers and providing effective results, this breakthrough supplement offers valuable support to those looking to optimize their health.

It’s quite unique in it’s 7 forms of magnesium, whereas many other supplements contain only 1 or maybe 2.

It’s easy to take given that it’s in capsule form, and is tested for purity, while also not containing synthetic magnesium like other supplements.

Magnesium Breakthrough is one of BiOptimizers most popular products and many people love it and believe it helps with their sleep.

😴 Click here to get Magnesium Breakthrough

bioptimizers magnesium breakthrough

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Science of Supplements

A man interested in science and supplements, looking to provide helpful insights on supplements.