Star Trek: Strange New Worlds S02E09 — Subspace Rhapsody

SciFi Continuums
6 min readAug 18, 2023
Time for a bit of singing (SNW Subspace Rhapsody)

Star Trek finally did it. A musical episode! Really, Strange New Worlds is about the only place this could have happened. They could have tried it in one of the cartoons, Lower Decks or Prodigy, but its effect wouldn’t have been the same. Picard or Discovery would have just been too weird and out of context. Strange New Worlds is a more playful Trek, and therefore the characters bursting into song didn’t come off as strange as it would have done otherwise.

Did it work? Really, yes, I think it did. The songs were brilliant and connected largely to the character arcs of each character. M’Benga and Peila are shortchanged, but everyone else gets their moment. The storyline, itself, is full of technobabble and doesn’t need to be inspected too closely. Essentially, the Enterprise is trying to set up a near-instantaneous communications network across the galaxy using a subspace fold. When they try using music to get a response from the fold, the characters end up singing and this starts to spread across the Federation and Klingon Empire.

The Klingons decide that the only way to stop the danger is to blow up the Fold, but the Enterprise crew discover that this will result in the destruction of space containing the Federation and Empire. The race to find a solution is on!



SciFi Continuums

Sci-Fi TV, Movies, comics, and books from a UK perspective. Writes about scifi fiction, and with an interest in continuity and canon