Doctor Who Diaries — Technophobia Part 1

SciFi Continuums
4 min readJun 28, 2024

The Tenth Doctor is often considered to be one of the best, or at least one of the most popular (alongside Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor). It shouldn’t be all that surprising then, that when Big Finish launched the first Tenth Doctor story range their website broke down from too many people trying to log in.

Technophobia is the first Tenth Doctor audio story, featuring David Tennant (as the Doctor) and Catherine Tate (as Donna Noble). It is therefore solidly set during the fourth season of the 2005 Doctor Who TV Show.

The Doctors Memoirs

I thought taking Donna to her near future might be fun. She’s not exactly the most tech-savvy of my companions but like all her species in the early part of their 21st century, she loves her gizmos! Besides, I was particularly keen to visit the London Technology Museum. The TARDIS records the launch of a new tablet-like device in 2011, making leaps and bounds in AI technology. Something must have gone wrong though, as humanity didn’t make much significant use of AI until a decade later with the launch of ChatGPT.



SciFi Continuums

Sci-Fi TV, Movies, comics, and books from a UK perspective. Writes about scifi fiction, and with an interest in continuity and canon