Potential of Using ML and AI During COVID-19

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5 min readMar 23, 2021

The medical application of machine learning and AI is one of the most principal and fast-growing fields of our expertise. Following the global rush for minimizing the coronavirus crisis effects, SciForce can not stay behind in the tremendous eHealth development.

The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), popularly known as COVID-19, has become a matter of great concern globally since the end of 2019. While Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Sinovac vaccines have become household names and bring some light at the end of the tunnel, we’ve got more tasks to solve. Patients’ diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring cause enormous pressure on healthcare providers worldwide. Healthcare software development turns out to be on the frontline. Given the pandemic peculiarities, the latest approaches of ML & AI have come to tackle the challenge.

Read on to find out the latest AI & ML corona-driven applications for the eHealth industry to understand and fight the virus.

Diagnosis: Coping with the Challenge at Its Infancy

The efficient testing of the population is a key to curbing the spread of coronavirus. However, the available tests are not meeting the demand and resolving the problem to the end. RT-RCP aimed at the viral RNA is a time- and costs-consuming variant and is not widely applicable. Rapid antigen test detects the viral proteins but still is not a precise and guaranteed answer. The antibody test is only relevant to people who have already undergone the COVID-19.

Per recent researches, AI algorithms can diagnose the virus without using the RT-RCP test. Thus, machine learning algorithms detect coronavirus via blood or urine tests, analyzing the samples to predict the COVID-19. The data received from the patients’ blood test stands as the base for neural network analysis for RT-RCP test prediction based on the blood test parameters. ML algorithms of voice processing can help in diagnosing via coughing signal recording. Medical wearables are also widely used in telehealth systems and could be helpful for diagnostics. Hence, virtual visits to the health care providers become possible thanks to the natural language processing algorithm. The Health Center of the Medical University of South Carolina stands as a good example.

Mobile phones serve as great data-generating tools providing immediate access to the potential coronavirus hosts, opening the window of opportunities for epidemiological control as some Pacific Asian governments demonstrate it.

AI Assistance for a Treatment: Decision-Making, Recovery Prediction, and Patients’ Prioritizing

In constant vital resource scarcity, machine learning algorithms can assist in multi-criteria decision-making for healthcare providers. It is beneficial when it goes about detecting and predicting the disease severity. Thus, medical personnel can prioritize the patients to respond to coronavirus disease and its outcomes. Text processing can help to compare the treatment plans and predict the patient’s recovery. Patients prioritizing is particularly crucial in the state of the breathing equipment scarcity.

ML algorithms assist the selection criteria for such existent treatment practice as antibodies circulating blood transfusion. In this case, ML helps to detect whether a subject meets blood donor selection criteria and selects the most suitable plasma.

Telehealth gets the new dimension and scope with the pandemic outbreak and promises to show even more tremendous application soon

Monitoring Patients: Overcoming Limitations with Telehealth

Deep learning algorithms demonstrate efficacy in predicting patients’ severity, mortality, and recovery. In March 2020, the researchers in Wuhan, PRC used the clinical variables of almost 200 hospitalized patients to develop a deep-learning algorithm and risk stratification score system to predict mortality.

One can use the same idea for predicting the disease severity of the patient. It helps forecast the coronavirus effects using clinical and laboratory data like a blood test or even voice signal.

Thus, telehealth gets the new dimension and scope with the pandemic outbreak and promises to show even more tremendous application soon. Combining classical epidemiological methods with deep learning algorithms, natural language processing to process electronic health records using other sensors (temperature, color sensor, camera, and microphone) can cause a paradigm shift for the eHealth industry. So, researchers in Spain show that using clinical variables of more than 10000 patients like age, fever, and tachypnea (abnormal respiration rate) to detect whether a person needs immediate intensive care unit admission.

Tracing the person’s contact and offering tools for a self-assessment come as one of the possible applications

Tackling the Pandemic and Control Regaining

Social distancing, contact tracing, and identifying COVID-19 cases are the crucial steps to keep the reproduction rate small. AI methods of large amounts of data processing come as a powerful tool for large-scale problem-solving. Tracing the person’s contact and offering tools for a self-assessment come as one of the possible applications.

Policymakers can use different AI techniques to provide physical distancing among the population, along with surveillance video analysis (PRC), gathering spatio-temporal data provided by mobile phones, and identifying whether a person wears a facemask automatically. Interesting that deep learning methods like computer vision for facemask identification applied for the first time.

Deep learning methods like computer vision for facemask identification applied for the first time /Image source

The hidden danger of this pandemic is in the fact that a lot of COVID-19 cases are asymptomatic. ML methods help create mobilized assessment centers based on spatio-temporal data of individuals analyzed. Developing self-organizing feature maps (SOFM) to monitor the epidemic in live time and a particular place is possible. Thus, one can build a projection model for a community spread among the population of a city.

ML methods help create mobilized assessment centers based on spatio-temporal data of individuals analyzed

Summing It Up

It is better to predict the problem than to deal with its consequences. However, 2020 showed the globe that we still have a lot to work on for a reliable prognosis. There is not much data on the AI and ML methods to predict the pandemic humankind can face in the future. Meanwhile, the tremendous development of the vaccine and lateral applications for coronavirus diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring shed some light on the overall picture.

AI-based technologies have become great solutions for COVID-19 detecting without RT-RCP testing. They assist in multi-criteria decision-making for healthcare providers, overcome the limitations, and predict the upcoming epidemiological scenarios. It is all already happening now.

SciForce is ready to face the challenge and join the frontline to develop the solutions for coming challenges. The power of science has always empowered people to strive, especially during the last couple of years.




Ukraine-based IT company specialized in development of software solutions based on science-driven information technologies #AI #ML #IoT #NLP #Healthcare #DevOps