DoorDash | Class Action | Lawsuit | Consumer Protection

Class action lawsuit against DoorDash

3 min readApr 4, 2024

Everything you need to know about class action lawsuit against DoorDash

Class Action Lawsuit Against DoorDash

One notable legal battle faced by class action lawsuit against doordash filed by a group of their delivery drivers. The following article will delve into the details of the lawsuit, the allegations made by the plaintiffs, and the broader implications for the gig economy and labor rights.


DoorDash is one of the leading food delivery platforms operating in the United States. It was founded in 2013 and has since skyrocketed to prominence. The service aims at providing a link between customers and local restaurants and independent contractors called “Dashers” who fill and deliver the customers’ orders using their own vehicles. While DoorDash is provided a business model to be accommodated with the convenience that consumers get and income opportunities for Dashers, it has also sparked controversy and legal challenges, especially with the issue of proper classification of Dashers as independent contractors rather than employees.


The allegations made by the plaintiffs in the case against DoorDash fall under several key violations:

  • Misclassification: Dashers allege that they are misclassified as independent contractors, and they claim that DoorDash exerts quite a bit of control over their work, including determining rates of pay, assigning delivery routes, and giving them instructions on how to complete the job. This would mean they are entitled to benefits like minimum wage, overtime pay, and expense reimbursement if they were to be classified as employees.
  • Unpaid Wages: Dashers allege that DoorDash’s payment structure falls short of proper compensation for their work. While the company commits to a guaranteeded minimum payment per delivery, Dashers argue that this amount fails in most instances to reach minimum wage requirements, given that expenses like gas and vehicle maintenance have to be incurred.
  • Expense Reimbursement: Dashers argue that they are not adequately reimbursed for expenses incurred in performing their duties. It pertains to expenses like gasoline, vehicle maintenance, and insurance, all necessary to execute deliveries.
  • Tip Withholding: Before there was a change in its tipping policy, DoorDash used tips from customers to undercut Dashers’ base pay. Dashers allege that this practice was deceptive and resulted in a reduction in overall earnings. While DoorDash has changed its policy to ensure that tips are paid out over and above base pay, the affected Dashers would be entitled to restitution for the loss of earnings made under the previous arrangement.

Legal Implications

The suit by the class of Dashers could result in a judgment with far-reaching implications for the gig economy and labor rights. In such a scenario, the decision will most likely be set as a precedent, guiding rights and benefits for gig workers on other platforms. This may also compel the other companies that use the gig economy to change their policies of employment and re-evaluate their workers’ employment status. On the other hand, a ruling in favor of DoorDash could help form the gig economy model and its reliance on an independent contractor relationship.

DoorDash’s Response

While the payment structure and policies have evolved following the feedback of the Dashers and legal challenges, DoorDash still defends the classification of independent contractors for its Dashers with an emphasis on flexibility and autonomy provided to the workforce. However, DoorDash continues to face scrutiny and legal action regarding its treatment of workers.

The lawsuit of DoorDash with a group of their delivery drivers is one of the most fundamental legal battles that the company is facing. The context given in this article will provide a detailed discussion of the case, allegations made by the plaintiffs, and the wide ramifications for both the gig economy and labor rights. Regardless of the outcome, this lawsuit will likely shape the future of labor relations and employment practices for years to come. It is a reminder that the ongoing struggle to balance innovation and convenience with fair labor standards and worker rights never ends.

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