My rental application was denied after a background check my landlord did on me

2 min readNov 14, 2023
  1. Communicate with the Landlord: Reach out to your landlord and explain the discrepancies in the background check. Share any supporting documents or evidence that can verify your claims, such as proof of eviction history or a clean criminal record. Sometimes, landlords may be willing to reconsider their decision if they understand the errors.
  2. Dispute the Inaccuracies: Contact Saferent Solutions to dispute the inaccuracies in your report. They should have a process for correcting errors. Provide them with any documentation you have that supports your case, such as lease agreements, court documents, or references.
  3. Check Your Rights: Familiarize yourself with tenant rights and fair housing laws in your area. Some jurisdictions may have specific regulations regarding the use of background checks and tenant screening. If you believe your rights have been violated, you may want to seek legal advice.
  4. Apply Elsewhere: If the issues persist and you’re facing challenges in getting approval, consider applying to other rental properties. Not all landlords use the same screening company, and you might have better luck elsewhere.
  5. Legal Assistance: If the inaccuracies are causing significant issues and you believe your application is being unfairly denied, you may want to consult with a tenant’s rights attorney. They can provide guidance on how to address the situation within the legal framework of your jurisdiction.
  6. Remember, each situation is unique, and the best course of action may depend on various factors, including local laws and the landlord’s policies. It’s essential to address the inaccuracies promptly and communicate effectively with both the landlord and the saferent solutions screening company.

