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Sterling background check errors

Common Types of Errors Found in Sterling Background Checks

5 min readApr 26, 2024
Steps to Correct Inaccuracies in Your Sterling Background Report

Background checks have become the bedrock of the recruitment process for most employers. As such, they help an employer to make right decisions for the benefit of prospective employment. However, information in such a report may not always be accurate and up-to-date. Errors and outdated information in background checks can have serious adverse effects on a person’s life, rendering them incapable of procuring an employment opportunity or a rental residence or even depriving them of monetary security. Therefore, the errors in background checks call for increased consumer advocacy to protect the rights of a person and ensure fairness and accuracy in information used.

Background Check Errors Defined:

Background check errors are multivarious, ranging from misidentifications to old information, to missing records to wrong attribution of criminal or credit history. These errors may be caused by clerical errors, errors in data entry, identity theft, or court record errors. Although background check companies, therefore, utilize every resource at their disposal to retain accuracy and ensure law compliance, erroneous errands do occur and cause tremendous damage to individuals’ lives.

The Consumer’s Fight:

For consumers who experience errors in their background checks, the challenge is colossal to have the errors corrected and reduced to the lowest possible impact in their lives. Inaccurate information can bring about employment refusals, denied rental, loss of professional licenses, or even legal liabilities. On top of this, the process of protesting inaccuracies with background check companies and getting them corrected is painful, time-consuming, and cumbersome. For most consumers, the feeling of helplessness might overwhelm them to assert their rights properly.

Impact of Background Check Errors:

The fallout of inaccurate background checks does not end with mere inconvenience; they can seriously screw up a person’s life and future. For instance, consider the case of John, a qualified person, who lost a job opportunity due to an erroneous criminal record cited in a background check report. Despite John’s repeated dispute and furnishing of evidence of his innocence, the erroneous record marred his reputation and prevented him from securing a job in his field.

Another example would be Sarah, who was denied a housing opportunity, all due to a credit report in her background check report that included erroneous delinquent accounts belonging to another person with a similar name. Despite her error-free credit report, the inaccuracies in the background check report resulted in her application being rejected, leaving her with emotional and financial hardship.

Consumer Protection and Legal Recourse:

Consumer protection groups and the legal profession play a crucial role in ensuring that wronged individuals by erroneous background checks, and others are held responsible. Consumers have been working at spreading awareness of how pervasive and damaging background check errors are, to enlighten consumers of their rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and other pertinent legislation, and further providing assistance and guidance to consumers on how to contest and make inaccurate information right.

Consumers who have been wronged have legal recourse under the FCRA that requires the background check companies to maintain reasonable procedures in the ascertainment of the accuracy of their reports and to investigate and correct any information disputed by consumers. Also, a consumer may have rights to damages for the violation of their rights in the FCRA. Such damages may be statutory damages, actual damages, and attorney’s fees.

The errors in background checks drive home the need for consumer advocacy, to ensure that individuals’ rights are protected and information is disseminated in a fair and just manner. Given that consumers rely on the background check for employment, housing, and other purposes, it becomes important to hold the background check companies accountable to maintain accurate and reliable records. Consumer advocates and legal experts will empower the individual through advocacy to make transparency, accountability, and fairness in the background check process a reality. It now allows them to challenge inaccuracies, protect reputations, and secure livelihoods. We advocate for the same, whereby the background check errors become minimal, and individuals’ rights and dignity are upheld.

Although there are statutory protections under the Fair Credit Reporting Act that protect consumers, the reality of dispute on background check errors is not easy to navigate. Many individuals are not aware of their rights and the procedures to file a dispute. The burden of proof often falls on consumers’ shoulders, and the processes of compelling background check companies to correct the errors are mainly left to consumers. To date, consumer advocacy organizations and legal professionals have continued to clamor for reforms geared towards making the process of background check disputes less cumbersome and to promote greater accuracy and accountability in the background check industry.

Of course, aside from the power of consumer advocacy, the use of technology in background checking has its own set of opportunities and challenges. While the use of advanced data collection and analysis tools has enabled faster and cheaper background checks, the risk of errors and inaccuracies increases when automated algorithms are used in analyzing these vast volumes of data. Of course, consumer advocacy advocates would also highlight the need for safeguards against algorithmic bias — to ensure that background check results are fair and unbiased.

Beyond legal remedies, consumer advocacy efforts would emphasize that employers, landlords, and other entities conducting background checks gain a better understanding of the importance of carrying out thorough and accurate screenings. Advocacy attempts to de-stigmatize having erroneous background check information on an individual’s record.

Besides this, consumer education is also crucial in educating the individual on how to understand his or her rights and take action in the face of erroneous background check information. Many consumer advocacy organizations provide information on consumer rights — such as seminars, info sheets, and online resources — to enable consumers to effectively navigate the dispute resolution process. More here:

This paper concludes that the prevalence of background check errors is a very pressing reason for continued consumer advocacy and legal action, wherever the personal rights of individuals and the accountability of the background check industry can be made to be protected and asserted. Working together, advocacy, raising awareness, and empowering consumers can be the effective way forward towards accurate, fair, and respectful background checks for all parties. With a fast-growing demand and increasing development in technology, the screening process for consumers’ backgrounds must be kept vigilant against rights violations and justice.

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