Is Accounting a Good Career Choice?

Yes, and here’s why

Scott Hoover
6 min readJul 23, 2020

In our painfully sensitive world, it’s still completely fine to stereotype and mock accountants. The Washington Redskins could re-brand as the Washington Bean Counters and probably get away with it.

There’s even a list on the internet of 77 accountant jokes that includes these shameless highlights:

  • What is an extroverted accountant? Answer: One who looks at your shoes when he’s talking to you, instead of his own.
  • What happens when you lock an accountant and a hyena in a room? Answer: The hyena quits laughing.
  • How was copper wire invented? Two accountants were arguing over a penny.
  • Did you hear the joke about the interesting accountant? Me neither.

With all that sarcasm, why would anyone want to be an accountant? Answer: read on.

What do accountants do anyway?

There’s an old saying that there are three kinds of accountants: 1) those who can count, and 2) those who can’t.

I know, a little lame maybe, but jokes aside, there are roughly three categories of accountants:

Category 1-Public Accountants. Public accountants work at firms like PwC, Grant Thornton, or Wipfli (the…

