Why You Should Be in the Moment

It’s a nice place to be

Scott Huddleston
5 min readSep 4, 2022
Happy me in Ireland on vacation

We are always busy doing something, and we allow little time in our lives to be just present, still and calm. Not taking time to slow down leads to anxiety and confusion. Long term anxiety will cause illness, certainly not what you want. Almost everyone falls into this trap, do, do, do, never relax or have fun.

I’ve been in situations when I thought my head was going to explode (not literally, of course) because of too many thoughts and stress from outside sources.

I supposed you also have been stressed by driving

If I happened to be driving, I used a method that helped me: I studied the shape of the car in front of me in detail and with 99% of my conscientiousness (1% for watching the road ;-)). The important thing was, I was able to stop the flow of thoughts. This brought my stress level down within seconds and let me start driving with appropriate concentration (back to 100%).



Scott Huddleston

I'm an American living in Sweden. I'm an SEO, feminist, and Apple tech nut. I’ve published a children’s book called “Places I’ve been with my Leopard”.