Do you know how anyone started owning land?

When did it start, how people were able to buy part of the Earth

Scott Huddleston
4 min readDec 9, 2022
Before there were borders, before ownership

Before Humans Enter the Scene

Just try to imagine what “progress” really is. Now imagine the world without any buildings, cars, airplanes, cellphones, laptops or anything man-made. Trees, wild flowers and plants of all types in abundance.

What we call “progress”, just isn’t. The further we go, IMHO, the more we approach total chaos.

Photo by Andre Benz on Unsplash

The Start of the Land Grab (greed)

Believe it not, at one time, no person owned (or rented) land. Humans roamed the Earth, along with the other animals, wherever food could be scavenged.

Basically, the concept of territorial behaviors started when creatures of all sorts, left the water. When early humans came about, their reptilian brains (or brainstem), (and yes, you still have one) forced them to be territorial. Animals of all kinds defended ‘their’ land, sometimes to their demise. What is to be taken from this? It is burned into our brains to want to control (or have dominion) over land.



Scott Huddleston

I'm an American living in Sweden. I'm an SEO, feminist, and Apple tech nut. I’ve published a children’s book called “Places I’ve been with my Leopard”.