Two tools for transformational Success

Scott Fleming
3 min readSep 13, 2017


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I found out long ago that if you want someone to do something, make it easy for them.

The first thing about success is everyone wants it, and everyone sees it as something different.

Unless you clearly define your definition of success you can’t create your scope or framework to then be working inside of. There is no point setting goals if we don’t also set ourselves that framework and rules to support the chasing down of those goals.

Consider the athlete that has no workout routine, how will that put them on the road to rewards

So what is the frameworks that I use, simply two things, and I don’t use either obsessively or religiously, but a loose framework that can be implemented strictly when required, is so much better than just wishing for results. Especially if you are just focused on the result without a plan to get there.

First system I use are lists,

I use lists when there are multiple steps required, or multiple different things competing for my time.

The simple act of creating the list or brainstorming the list will often help as you realize that there is often not as much to get done as you think.

Every time you remember something that needs to happen your brain will create more noise more stress around that thing, so just getting a list created can cut that noise out. Even if you don’t action everything on it.

There are hundreds different app’s to help create lists, and even the simplest way pen and paper will work, the punch line is this, Create, Use and Follow.

Don’t worry about setting multiple levels of priority, or expected duration, the simpler the better like any system if it is simple you will be willing to do it.

If there are things that can be grouped like different phone calls to make or emails to send, I will create a heading for those sort of things.

My lists, are a simple heading with sub points of what else goes there. Sometimes on my phone, sometimes on a scrap of paper, but the thing is I create them.

Time blocking, is my next system

I work from home so there’s always something that needs to be done around the house, washing, dishes etc. while valid, they are still distractions.

By having blocks of time when I do certain things, I reduced the distractions by knowing that it’s not the time to do that now.

This is something that you can be super restricted with, or use as a loose framework, remember that life really happens in the margins you can’t plan everything.

The idea of a time block is that I define what types of activity’s I can conduct during what time, I tend to procrastinate, but time blocking allows me to be accountable to be what I am supposed to doing rather than doing whatever takes my focus.

The blocks are the best thing to stop procrastination as you create a designated space to be doing that thing.

If you don’t manage to get that completed by the time the block is over, it’s not a massive issue, can that block slide a bit? Or do you carry the item to the next time that block is available the next day or whenever.

The blocks can be as granular as you want right down to micromanaging 5 minute windows if that is best for you, the primary idea behind them is to limit or focus the activity’s that you are doing.

By using lists, and time block as two extremely simple tools they can allow you to create the space to succeed.

The trick is really to keep it simple, anything that is to complicated you will not implement, if you complicate this it can become more work than it needs to be.



Scott Fleming

Helping in every way I can, providing fuel for writers, business and entrepreneurs. A business coach at come and visit.