A Wave Creation Odyssey: Progress, Pitfalls, and Promise

Scott Sourile
3 min readOct 25, 2023


Part… 4… of my wave work? Let’s do this.

Navigating the winding paths of game development often feels like you’re both the hero and the villain of your own story. My recent journey into the labyrinth of wave creation systems in Unity is a testament to this duality. As promised in my previous dispatches, here’s an update on where things stand, the challenges faced, and the eureka moments I’ve had along the way.

The Refresher

For those joining this adventure mid-way, the core task was to construct a wave system for spawning enemies. Initially, this might seem straightforward. You specify the type and number of enemies for each wave, and you release them onto your unsuspecting player. Simple, right? As it turns out, the devil, as they say, is in the details.

The Struggle is Real

Setting up the first wave was the easy part. But when the second wave came around, frustrations began to mount. Coordinating different enemy types and their spawn timings was akin to juggling balls while riding a unicycle. As we delved deeper into the mechanics, the questions multiplied:

  • How do we maintain the momentum between waves?
  • How do we provide the player with both challenge and pacing?
  • And importantly, how do we manage the complexity behind the scenes, ensuring the code remains clean, maintainable, and efficient?

Double the Fun with Dual Coroutines

A significant breakthrough came when we introduced two separate coroutines for managing the wave dynamics. This allowed for more fluid control over individual enemy spawns and the overarching wave patterns. However, as with any new approach, it took time and a lot of debugging to get the system just right. If you’ve ever felt the highs of seeing your code work perfectly after hours of head-scratching, you’d understand the joy I felt when this system clicked into place.

The Future Looks Nested (Or Switched!)

While the dual coroutine system has been a revelation, there’s always room for improvement. After discussing the project with some coding coaches, two suggestions have emerged: a nested loop mechanism and a switch statement setup. Both have their merits:

  • Nested Loops: This approach could streamline the process by allowing for more granular control over enemy spawns within each wave.
  • Switch Statement: A potential solution for managing multiple wave patterns without overcomplicating the code.

I’m still weighing the pros and cons of each. In our exploration of wave management strategies, a common theme emerged between the nested loop and switch statement approaches: the consolidation of tasks under one coroutine. This unifying concept is seen as a counterpoint to the multiple, often intricate, coroutines that characterized our initial iterations. By centralizing the wave-handling logic within a single coroutine, we aim to simplify the structure, improve code readability, and optimize the overall flow of the wave system. This shift underscores the philosophy that (at least sometimes) less can indeed be more when crafting efficient and intuitive game mechanics. but either way, it’s exciting to see the project evolve.

The Odyssey Continues

The journey of creating this wave system has been equal parts exasperating and exhilarating. While challenges are part and parcel of any development process, they’re also what makes the final product so rewarding. The key is to remember that every problem has a solution, even if it requires a little outside-the-box thinking.

To fellow game developers, old and new, remember this: the path to perfection is paved with many debugging sessions. Embrace them, learn from them, and most importantly, enjoy the process.

Stay tuned for more updates as we ride the waves (pun intended) of this development journey.

