Configuring email verification in Laravel Spark
This is a quick guide for setting up Laravel’s email verification functionality for registered users within Laravel Spark.
There is documentation for this however I found it lacking in detail.
I’m using Laravel v7.12.0 and Spark v10.0.
1. Edit your App/User model to implement MustVerifyEmail
In app/User.php
class User extends SparkUser
class User extends SparkUser implements MustVerifyEmail
Also remember to add the corresponding use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
2. Update SparkServiceProvider.php
Edit app/Providers/SparkServiceProvider.php
and in the register()
function add:
3. Check a few things…
I didn’t need to do any of these, but other developers have reported needing to.
a) Run php artisan migrate
and ensure your User table has an ‘email_verified_at’ field
b) Check that $routeMiddleware
in app/Http/Kernel.php
’verified’ => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\EnsureEmailIsVerified::class,
4. Ensure the ‘verified’ middleware is being checked for any authenticated routes you want to apply email verification to
By default Spark has a HomeController; in the constructor it has
Note that the ‘verified’ is commented out. Uncomment this to ensure email verification is checked for users accessing routes on this Controller.
An easier way to apply specific middleware to a whole set of routes is to use the ‘group’ function in your routes file.
E.g. In routes/web.php
Use something like
Route::middleware([‘verified’, ‘subscribed’, ‘auth’])->group(function () {
Route::get(‘/home’, ‘HomeController@show’);
Now if you have new or existing users, who haven’t verified their email address, they should be shown a “Verify Email Address” page instead of the protected routes.
You’ll also need working email to receive the verification emails. If you need a test SMTP server, you can use and add the settings to your .env
All done!
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