19 Foods You Should Eat Everyday #3 — Avocado

Scott Cohen
4 min readJun 12, 2022


It’s the superfood full of paradoxes. A fruit that looks more like a vegetable. It’s loaded with life-giving properties, but guilty of openly and blatantly killing off disease and dysfunction. It’s the anti-fruit, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti cancer, anti bacterial, anti obesity, anti heart disease and anti boring hero of any kitchen it’s in.

There’s no other food quite like the avocado. It’s contains lots of monounsaturated ‘healthy’ fat but it’s also high in fibre at the same time. It’s one of those rare foods that offers a little bit of just about every nutrient you need for optimal health.

Take a look at the avocado’s impressive arsenal:

Source: Cronometer.com, 100g Avocado Black Skin (Haas)

Here are a few more pretty good reasons why you should be eating avocados every day:


Avocados are loaded with vitamin E and glutathione, antioxidants that fight oxidative stress by promoting the decomposition of free radicals and preventing serious cell damage and so many serious health problems.

Anti-heart disease. Anti-stroke. Anti-cholesterol

Avocados have more potassium than bananas and loads of copper, an element hard to come by in the Western diet. Both are essential for heart health and normal blood pressure.

What’s more, avocados contain mostly monounsaturated fatty acids, the kind of fat we need to raise “good” HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.


Most of the avocado’s carbohydrates come from fibre. Combine that with those beneficial monounsaturated fatty acids mentioned earlier and avocados make a low-glycemic treat that doesn’t raise blood sugar levels or cause spikes in insulin among people with diabetes. The high fat and fibre content even helps slow down the absorption of carbs.

Anti-inflammatory & anti-cancer

Avocados contain the antioxidants Persenone A & B, which have shown to protect against inflammation and cancer. They also contain oleic acid, known to reduce inflammation and inhibit cancer cell growth.


Being high in fibre and fat, avocados are filling and hard to overeat. They come in high on the Satiety Index, meaning they make you feel full long after mealtime, and despite their high caloric value, can be a powerful natural appetite suppressant for those trying to lose weight.


Avocados contain a lot of folate, an important vitamin for normal cell function and tissue growth. Folate is essential for pregnant women because it prevents major birth defects like spina bifida.

Anti-eye disease

Avocados contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which are essential for reducing the risk of age-related eye diseases.

Best Way To Eat

More than just guac

Many people know avocados as the star of guacamole, the Mexican party favourite — great for sharing the joy of this amazing food with others, but also an easy way to over do it. While avocados are super healthy, the calories can add up quickly if you don’t watch your portion size.


They can also be enjoyed plain with a little salt and pepper or sliced, cubed, chopped or mixed into a vinaigrette and thrown on top of a fresh garden salad.

Avocado toast

Another favourite is sliced avocado on whole grain toast. Throw some freshly roasted seeds and grilled tomato on top and you’ve got yourself a brilliant bruschetta loaded with vitamins and nutrients. Just YouTube ‘avocado toast’ for amazing takes on a simple but delish modern classic.


Avocados give both veggie and fruit smoothies a creamy richness that’s hard not to crave. Try mixing one in with spinach and kale, or forest berries, kiwi and lime. Avocados seems to bring out the best in their contemporaries.

Put simply, the antidote to boring is green and creamy. Just add avocado and any recipe automatically becomes exciting!

And that is why you should eat a half of an avocado every single day!

More about me

I’m Scott Cohen — I run a coaching business called Kitchen Therapy where I help my clients learn to live with type 2 diabetes, obesity and metabolic disorders by learning how to live without them. https://www.kitchen-therapy-coaching.com/about-me

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Scott Cohen

I'm a certified nutritional health coach helping people learn to live with type 2 diabetes, obesity & metabolic disorders by learning to live without them.