Civil Engineer to Marketing : My not so obvious career change and how I did it

Scott Cooper
Mark Your Mark


We’ve all been there. You’re 16 years old sitting in a classroom and someone asks you what you’d like to do for the rest of your life. Of course you have no idea! You’re still just a kid, but it’s at this time that you have to make some pretty big decisions that could have a dramatic impact on your future.

There are those kids at school who know exactly what they want to do with their lives from the time that they enter high school, but for the other 90% of us, we have no idea. There are things that you like doing, but in most cases they are not viable career paths. Or so we are told anyway.

I was one of these students.

This uncertainty of knowing which direction I wanted to go, coupled with not being accepting into the Multimedia design courses that I had been working towards sent me on alternate path into the world of Civil Engineering.

I know, there aren’t many similarities between the two, but my Dad was an engineer, and I grew up around his work and learning the skills required to be a good engineer. As it turned out, I was actually a really good engineer too!

I started at one of the biggest structural engineering companies in Australia while I was still completing my engineering course as a summer…



Scott Cooper
Mark Your Mark

Helping grow startups. Dog enthusiast. I do basketball things.