Discover the Potential of AI in Creating Discussion Guides and Surveys

Post #2 of the AI for Market and UX Research Series

Scott Garrison
5 min readJul 9, 2023

Hey Friends! Welcome to the second post in my series about AI for market and user experience (UX) researchers where I’m exploring various ways we can incorporate AI into our work. As I mentioned in the last article, I’m going to use a different AI writing tool for each post - this one has been written with the assistance of LongShot.

When it comes to creating discussion guides and surveys, AI offers a myriad of possibilities. For starters, they can generate relevant and engaging questions based on the context provided, helping researchers dig deeper into the topic(s) at hand. They can also aid in refining questions, ensuring clarity and avoiding biases. Furthermore, AI can assist in analyzing results, identifying patterns, and deriving meaningful insights.

Designing and Enhancing Discussion Guides & Surveys with AI

Generating Relevant and Engaging Questions

AI can help overcome these challenges by generating relevant and engaging questions. It can generate a variety of question formats including brainstorming exercises, multiple-choice, rating scales, and open-ended questions. By analyzing the context and objective of the survey, AI can formulate questions that resonate with participants and capture their true sentiments.



Scott Garrison

Founder of Aurora, transforming the way market research is done