What are the different types of management styles?

Scott DePeralta
2 min readDec 13, 2022


Working with different types of managers can be an eye-opening experience. Each management style is unique and can differ depending on the age, demographics, and other factors like team size. Let’s explore some common management styles to help you understand how they work and why they matter.

1. Autocratic Management Style — This type of management style involves one person who makes all the decisions without involving others. It’s a top-down approach where the manager has ultimate authority over decision making with little to no input from employees. This type of management works well when deadlines are tight or when there is a need for quick decisions and fast results. The downside of this method is that it can lead to feelings of alienation among employees who may feel their opinion isn’t valued or respected.

2. Democratic Management Style — This type of management style involves collaboration between the manager and employees to make decisions together. The manager still has final say but encourages employee participation in decision making. This type of management works best in situations where creativity, problem solving and innovation are needed, as it allows everyone to contribute ideas and solutions which can be evaluated by the group as a whole before moving forward with any action plans. However, this type of management can also lead to disagreements between employees and managers if not managed properly.

3. Laissez-Faire Management Style — This type of management gives employees full autonomy over their job responsibilities with minimal oversight from their manager or supervisor. The manager provides general guidance but does not provide detailed instructions for tasks or projects; instead, they trust that their employees will get the job done without needing too much direction or input from them. This type of management works best for experienced teams that have proven results in the past; however, it can also lead to lack of accountability if expectations aren’t communicated clearly or if there is little follow up from the manager after tasks are assigned.

As you can see, there are many different types of management styles that exist today ranging from autocratic to laissez-faire approaches. Different organizations may use different approaches depending on their needs; however, understanding which one works best for your organization is key to having successful outcomes in both short-term projects as well as long-term goals! No matter what approach you take towards managing your team, remember that communication is key in order for everyone involved to be successful! By understanding the different types of management styles available at work today, you will be able to make informed decisions about how best to manage your team for optimal productivity and success!

