Searching for the elusive work/life balance? Here are 4 ways to achieve this!

Scott Dylan
3 min readMay 14, 2018

Whilst it may seem like somewhat of a myth to some of us, much like unicorns or trees that grow money, the truth is that a work/life balance is actually something that some of us can achieve. Particularly if you are like me and spend a large chunk of your time working from home, or if you run your own business. So, with this in mind, I have put together some of the top tips that I think can be tried out for those who want to not only achieve a great work/life balance. They can also make sure that you ace both of these all-important worlds too.

  1. Realise that you simply cannot work all the time

It is all too common for those who run their own business to feel the fear that they are not working hard enough, or that they are not working enough hours. After all, if you are not working then you are not earning. Whilst, in essence, this is true, you should never feel guilty about taking some time for yourself. After all, if you don’t take some time away from your business, then you may not be able to give it your all.

2. Always make a space in your schedule for life

How often do you schedule in your diary time to work? Chances are that there are plenty of times that you reach for the pen. What about scheduling time in for activities that are a part of your personal life, such as spending time with your family, shopping or perhaps even just taking bath? Not quite as common. However, if your diary has spaces for work, then you should make spaces for fun too. That way you will ensure that you have a break to recharge.

3. Turn off from work

It isn’t easy to do, and it may not seem like the end of the world to just take 5 minutes to reply to an email whilst you are supposed to be having family time. However, it really is a problem. When you plan to take time away from work, then you need to make sure that you do this. Turn your phone and laptop off and focus on what is around you, if someone is going to need you, chances are that they can wait.

4. Try a new hobby

If you really do find it hard to switch off and spend some time on yourself, then you need something that is going to coax you away from the office. Why not plan in some time to try out a new hobby or activity? This could be exercise, or perhaps creative. It really does depend on what it is that you can see yourself enjoying on a regular basis.

As you can see, there are ways that you can make sure that you earn money, run a business and still have time for yourself and for your family. Dare I say it, you may even be able to enjoy “having it all!”

Originally published at Scott Dylan.



Scott Dylan

Co-Founder at Inc & Co in Manchester and London. Love Technology, Startups, and investing in distressed companies. Say hello on Twitter @scottdylan