3 Habits To Become Incredibly Successful

Scott Ostrander
2 min readJan 9, 2018

To be successful means this — to accomplish an aim or purpose.

Do you want to be successful? I can safely say that most people do.

In my experience, habits play a critical role in a person’s success. So I’ve identified 3 habits to help you (and me) become incredibly successful people.

Fun fact: I am not incredibly successful. At least not according to my own standard. But I am successful in certain areas. And in many others I’m not. :)

#1 — Press on despite failure or whatever else stands in your way.

Of this list, this habit is the one that rings true for me the most. It’s about perseverance, grit, stamina, endurance, and resolve. If you press on towards your goal despite all obstacles, you’re bound to be incredibly successful.

# 2 — Give generously.

The habit of generosity is a trait I see often in successful individuals. And it’s not limited to financial giving. Rather, it’s a habit that permeates everything they do. It’s how they share information, coach or mentor someone, or steward their time as a volunteer. Give generously and your success will multiply.

# 3 — Take risks consistently and intentionally.

To take a risk will mean exposure to danger. It could be physical, emotional or something else. But being a risk-taker is powerful. It’s one of the best ways to gain success because it expands the reality of possibilities. And in the event that you fail (which you will), you still learn. Taking risks is an essential habit although often difficult to practice.

What habits do you see in incredibly successful people? What other habits would you add to this list? Share your response or give claps if you enjoyed these words.

Thanks for reading my words! I’m a freelance web designer based out of the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Learn more about me on LinkedIn or my website.

