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3 steps for a more secure WordPress website

Scott Ostrander
3 min readJan 21, 2018


Do you have a secure WordPress website?

WordPress software powers just over 29% of websites as of November 2017. It’s clear that many individuals and businesses choose it to run their websites. But often what’s not clear is how to keep a WordPress site secure from threats.

For a more secure WordPress website, take the following 3 steps. You’ll be glad you did. And if you want more detailed help, check out the list of resources at the end of this post.

1. Install Security Plugins

The plugin feature of WordPress websites allows for an expanding amount of customization. There are plugins for almost any feature someone might think of. But a plugin type you really should have is one for security.

Using a security plugin is a smart step to prevent threats from becoming a breach. They can aide security by scanning for malware, password attacks and malicious code. And they may include a firewall to block unwanted guests. There are many options available, but I recommend Wordfence.

2. Update Regularly

The WordPress core software, themes and plugins are subject to updates on a regular basis. Some more often than others. And it’s critical to update them to prevent vulnerabilities associated with outdated software.

The most important update is WordPress itself, with a stable release of 4.9.1 at the time of this writing. By default, WordPress will automatically take care of minor updates. But for major updates you must perform them manually. After you log in, always check for updates in the WordPress dashboard.

3. Encrypt With SSL

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates secure data between a browser and a server. This feature protects user information such as a credit card number. With SSL, hackers will have a difficult time accessing your encrypted data.

You might be able to install SSL encryption at no extra cost from your hosting provider. There are also dedicated companies that provide this feature. Another option that’s free and open source is Let’s Encrypt.


For a secure WordPress website, it’s a must to take these 3 steps to secure your data. But you must understand that they are only a starting point. Security is a serious matter, so take even more steps as you are able to improve security for your website.

The easiest step out of these 3 is updating regularly. It’s best to make it a habit so that you won’t forget. After that, installing and configuring a security plugin is a wise step. Encryption with SSL can be more technical, so check with your hosting provider to see how they can help.

If you found this post helpful, please let me know! I enjoy designing for the web and use WordPress often on client projects. For more information about me, view my portfolio and pricing pages.

Detailed Resources

Infotec Institute’s Recommended Security Plugins

EasyWPGuide’s Guide To Keeping Your Site Updated

WPBeginner’s Guide To Adding Free SSL In WordPress

WPBeginner’s Ultimate WordPress Security Guide

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Note: I first posted this content on my blog on December 8, 2017.

