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Weekend Reflection: Writing Better With The Hemingway Editor

Scott Ostrander
3 min readJan 13, 2018


Ernest Hemingway. 1899–1961.

Journalist. Author. Known for A Farewell To Arms and A Man And The Sea.

Hemingway was brilliant. But he’s not the focus of this post.

I mention good ol’ Ernest because there is a writing app that uses his namesake. I discovered it in 2014 and still use it to benefit my writing. As a Medium member, you might know about it or use it. If not, check it out!

Enter The Hemingway Editor

Back in September of 2013, brothers Adam and Ben Long shared their creation with the world. They use the phrase “Hemingway makes your writing bold and clear.” It’s a tagline of sorts. And it describes what the app can do for your words.

The app provides live feedback while you write. Information about the readability, word count, and reading time displays. The app also points out the use of adverbs and passive voice. But my favorite feature is the highlighting of hard to read sentences. It’s a gentle reminder for me to prune my words. And results in better understanding for my readers.

Another feature that comes in handy is the write or edit switch. It allows users to turn all the feedback off while writing. It’s there so that you can distinguish between the writing and editing phases. I don’t use it too often, but I’m grateful it’s there.

How I Use It

My approach is to write in an app like Typora first (using Markdown). And after I’ve completed a draft, I check with the Hemingway Editor to see how I’m doing. This works well for me because I can focus better on pure writing. And then get feedback when I use the app.

But sometimes I start with the Editor. I may flip the write/edit switch to the write setting as I work on a draft. Or I’ll switch to the edit mode and let myself sit with all the highlights. At first, seeing each one was like my inner critic telling me to fix my errors. But in time I learned to embrace the feedback without fear. And I continue to practice critical thinking with each piece of feedback.

Throughout my workday, I’m writing blog posts and emails. Both of these are candidates for Hemingway depending on my needs. I’m also writing personal and work notes, but those rarely go into the app. Unless of course they turn into a blog post.

With my experience using the app, I have an improved awareness of my writing. The length of sentences. The use of adverbs. And how clear my words are. I know that the Editor isn’t the end all be all for editing. But its a helpful tool that I enjoy using. So I’ll continue to use it.

Thanks for reading!

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