How Good Is Your Story Premise? Really?!

Scott McConnell, the story guy
2 min readDec 21, 2023

In story everything begins with an idea. And the best way to create a great story is to have a premise with big ideas.

To vet how good your story premise really is ask these 6 questions about it:

1) Does a clear protagonist have a big goal that drives the whole story?

2) What is the original new angle — the hook — in your story premise?

3) What is the terrible problem, obstacle, or action situation your protagonist must overcome?

4) What is the Character A vs. Character B main conflict of your story?

5) What are the great stakes of the protagonist and of the antagonist?

6) Is there a universal thematic idea that underlies the main conflict of your story?

The main reason most films fail and that stories are rejected by producers is that they have a weak concept. The creators of these stories never had their concepts properly developed and vetted.

All the best developing your story concept. The very first thing to do when writing a story is to create a layered, original, and dramatic premise. If you are having problems with your concept and theme development, let’s talk.

Former producer Scott McConnell is a story consultant. Contact him at

Stories begin with a premise. With a big idea.
Photo by Júnior Ferreira on Unsplash

