Writer’s Got Talent — A Different Medium

Scott Short
4 min readDec 20, 2018


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

A Different Medium was simply a play on words. At no point is Writer’s Got Talent a writing platform such as Medium, but it is a rare and different approach as we do not pay for stories, but….So many writers want to become published. Yes, you can become published online, write stories on your blog, write stories in other blogs, write stories here on Medium. But how many people really get looked at? how many dreams go unnoticed? Is there a better way for writers to get published without pitching publishers and waiting, yet never knowing anything. How often do publishing companies write back if they don’t like your story? They probably don’t. We broke the mold.

If you are a writer and dream of being published you will have a better chance with us at www.writersgottalent.com. Why? You will receive more views from actual publishing companies we work with. You can write your stories and they are automatically published. There are contests. You can even sell your books or ebooks without us charging any commission. There is a membership fee though. At this point, you are probably thinking “oh no.” Are you ready? The fee is only $20 for ONE TIME lifetime membership. Yes, you read that correctly. This is an early registration, but there are no extra charges for anything ever — no fees, no percentages on sales, nothing. Those who get in early will be rewarded tenfold. Ok, so what are we doing different?

We do understand that there are a number of writing contests out there, but we have decided to put this in a whole new perspective.

This is an example of what you could do. This is not our video. this was created by Parkside Christian Church. This is just funny because adults are acting out a kids story.

Each writer writes a story, then someone acts it out on a Youtube video. This is the simple concept, but of course there is more to it. For thousands of people, this will be fun, with a chance to get paid or at least known. Yes, we know this is done in schools, but we are going full force with this. It is rare to see stories with good authors exactly how they should be told. There are not many good stories acted out on Youtube so now is your chance.

Not everyone likes to read and when people “see” a story, many become entertained if they like the story. If they like the story on video, they will probably like the story in writing and vice versa. This not only helps unknown writers; it also helps unknown actors. I have acted on tv and I do have some connections, but that is not what this is about.

We want writers young and old to join the possibility of being seen. If our judges and administrators like your story, we will actually go out of our way to advertise it for you. I have been working 24/7 behind the scenes of communications, emailing, writing, calling publishers, media groups, etc.. and so far I am getting nothing but positive feedback. There are some contracts that need to be signed, but we are ready.

Our ultimate goal is to get this televised and in a similar format to America’s Got Talent. There is a chance to win money, get a book deal, and you can even sell your books or ebooks for no charge or percentage with early registration. You can promote your blog through our site as much as you want within your stories, but these stories will not be entered into contests, but will be seen by a large audience. However, as said previously, this is about aspiring writers being given a chance.

Granted, they get published here on Medium and there are a variety of internet publications, but Medium does not advertise for you. We will advertise for you for an extraordinarily small fee everyone can afford….and this fee is not a recurring fee…EVER.

Today is the first time this has gone public right here on Medium. Although we are still working out some kinks, our platform is like no other and ready to go. Go check it out yourself at www.writersgottalent.com If you are an aspiring writer, actress, or actor, get in quickly while you can.

This was written Dec. 19, 2018. Early registration will end Feb 1st, 2019 if not earlier.



Scott Short

Teacher, Writer, Tour Guide, Traveler - www.waterfallstours.com. I follow everyone that follows me and if I have not commented on your story, tell me.