DSL Validations: Operators

Scott Sosna
4 min readApr 3, 2024


Note: This is part 3 of a four-part tutorial.

Operators provide a value for validating properties as a single unit: think of a multi-part conditional check in an if statement. The most obvious operators are logical AND (&&) and OR (!!), though other operators are possible.

Implementing Operators

Operators are themselves validators, implementing the same fun validate(): Boolean as property validators but instead evaluates one or more validators to determine overall success or failure, e.g. all pass validations for AND or at least one passes validation for OR.


Each implemented operator extends AbstractOperator to ensure correct equals and hashCode methods exist, similar to AbstractPropertyValidator. Instead of a getter provided during construction, an operator is provided a collection of PropertyOperatorValidator's against which the operator is applied.

abstract class AbstractOperator<S> (
protected val conditionName: String,
protected val validators: List<PropertyOperatorValidator<S>>) :
AbstractValidator<S>() {

override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

other as AbstractOperatorValidator<*>

if (conditionName != other.conditionName) return false

return true

override fun hashCode(): Int {
return Objects.hash(conditionName)

Property validators and operators both implement PropertyOperatorValidator via AbstractValidator which allows an operator to recursively evaluate operators, similar to using parentheses to define sub-conditions within in the overall conditional.


Logical operators are constructed with the following parameters

  • conditionName: descriptive name of the operator's purpose or intent;
  • validators: a collection of validators that are evaluated by the operator;
  • errorMessage: the error message provided in the ConstraintViolation; otherwise, constraint violations are created for each validator evaluated.

An operator-specific error message often provides better context than individual messages for each failed condition, such as Both first and last names required. instead of firstName required; lastName required.

class AndOperator<S>(conditionName: String,
validators: List<PropertyValidator<S>>,
val errorMessage: String? = null) :
AbstractOperator<S>(conditionName, validators) {

override fun validate(
source: S,
errors: MutableSet<ConstraintViolation<S>>): Boolean {

val errorsToUse =
if (errorMessage.isNullOrBlank())

val success = validators.all {
it.validate(source, errorsToUse)

if (!success && !errorMessage.isNullOrBlank()) {

return success

The only change required to implement OrOperator is that only one validator must pass validation.

val success = validators.any {
it.validate(source, errorsToUse)

Putting It All Together

For example, social-planning, an Invitee is the person being invited. The state of an invitee is INVITED, ACCEPTED, or DECLINED.

data class Invitee {
val state: InviteeState,
val firstName: String?,
val lastName: String?,
val emailAddress: String,
val howMany: Int?

When accepting or declining the invitation, the user provides her name. For accepted invitations, she indicates how many people are attending (e.g., the invitee herself, partner or spouse, children, friends, etc.). Otherwise, the optional properties are not required.

General Programing Implementation

val invitee = getInvitee(...)
if (invitee.state == InviteeState.INVITED) return true

if (invite.firstName.isNullOrBlank() || invite.lastName.isNullOrBlank()) {
log.warn("First and last name required.")
return false

if (invitee.state == InviteeState.ACCEPTED && howMany :? 0 <= 0) {
log.warn("Must specify how many people expected to attend.")
return false

return true

Domain-Specific Language Solution

val invitee = getInvitee(...)

// howMany required when invitation accepted
val accepted = OrOperator(
conditionName = "acceptedHowMany",
errorMessage = "Must specify number of attendees when accepting.",
validators = setOf(

propertyName = "state",
getter = Invitee::stage,
value = InviteeState.ACCEPTED),
propertyName = "howMany",
getter = Invitee::howMany)

// Invitee must provide first/last name when accepting/declining invite
val responded = OrOperator(
conditionName = "inviteReply",
errorMessage = "First and last name required when accepted/declined.",
validators = setOf(

propertyName = "state",
getter = Invitee::stage,
value = InviteeState.INVITED

AndOperator (
conditionName = "allPresent",
errorMessage = null,
validators = setOf(
StringNotBlankValidator("firstName", Invitee::firstName),
StringNotBlankValidator("lastName", Invitee::lastName),

// Both of the above must be true
val operator = AndOperator (
propertyName = "inviteeValidation",
validators = setOf (accepted, responded)

// Validate the complete operator
val violations = mutableSetOf<ConstraintViolation<T>>()
operator.validate(invitee, violations)

// empty collection means successful validation
val successfullyValidated = violations.isEmpty()


Though the general implementation is shorter, is it a better implementation? Some advantages of validating via the DSL are:

  • Correctness: Validator names (should) clearly identify how the property is being validated. The actual validation is implemented once for all usages rather than implemented ad-hoc, reducing test coverage. Operator error messages provide context to the business requirement and use case. No opportunity to inject side-effects into the validation.
  • Consistency: The implementation is the implementation, no differences wherever a specific validation is needed: if Apache Common LangStringUtils is used once, it’s Apache Common Lang StringUtils used always. Avoids inconsistencies and bugs caused by using similar libraries in different parts of the code base.
  • Reusability: Define once, use many: create the validation in a common library that can be accessed when required. Preferred over cut-and-paste, duplicated implementations, or forcing into an awkward class hierarchy to provide common access.
  • Readability: Almost language agnostic, the validation is understood by understanding how the DSL is created, not how the code is written. Requires less understanding of any specific JVM programming language, borderline self-documenting.
  • Ad-Hoc: Just-in-time validations created programmatically without the complexities of bytecode manipulation via ASM or something similar.

Final Comments

DSL operators allow us to implement more complex and useful validators, much beyond what is possible with property-level annotations/validators (e.g., @NotBlank, @NotNull, @Email, etc). The final step is to wrap this with a true Jakarta Bean Validator that can be used to validate a complete bean.

Originally published at https://scottsosna.com/2024/03/24/dsl-validations-operators/

Image © 1991 Scott C Sosna

