When Honor Is Lost…

Scott Fagaly
3 min readJul 6, 2016


When we begin allowing other’s actions to dictate our ability to act with integrity, honor is lost.

When we start requiring actions of good faith from others in return for us treating them like the creation of God that they are, honor is lost.

When the call on our life becomes sidelined by the vendetta we are holding against another, honor is lost.

When we neglect the leaders in our lives, and fail to hold them up when they are tired, honor is lost.

When we address mistakes made by outcasting a friend to “protect ourselves from their bad behavior,” honor is lost.

When we say “pray for our country” and in the next breath slander our leaders publicly, honor is lost.

When we disregard the legacies that have been sewn into our lives for generations, honor is lost.

When we surround ourselves with mirrors, so the only thing we can see is our world, honor is lost.

When we raise a generation on the milk of subjective morality, honor is lost.

When we force the weight of our actions onto the shoulders of others, and refuse to take responsibility for ourselves, honor is lost.

When we refuse to look past the person and to the position, honor is lost.

When we lead with the “right answers” but not the truth, honor is lost.

When we try and orchestrate our universe better than God, honor is lost.

When we misrepresent the father-heart of God, honor is lost.

When we forget that all glory is God’s, not ours, honor is lost.

When we walk in the light and calling of God on our lives, honor is found.

When we invite the hurting to the table, and make them a place, honor is found.

When we surrender our will to the heart of God, honor is found.

When we lead with the truth, and not with manipulation, honor is found.

When we remember that all authority has been appointed by God and honor the position, even when we disagree with person, honor is found.

When we shoulder the burdens of our actions, and willingly shoulder the burdens of others when they can’t, honor is found.

When we live by under the direction of the Father, the definer of moral law, honor is found.

When we look up from our lives and see the hurting people in the world, and love them, honor is found.

When we accept the mantle of our legacy and carry it into the future, honor is found.

When we actually pray for our country, love our leaders like Jesus, and speak about them as Christ would, honor is found.

When we address the mistakes of others by reinforcing the truth that they are not defined by mistakes, but defined by their calling and character, honor is found.

When we encourage and respect the leaders we submit ourselves to, and carry them when they are tired, honor is found.

When the call on our life outshines our desire to hold grudges, honor is found.

When we see people the way God sees them, regardless of what they can do for us, honor is found.

When we refuse to let the hurt or actions of someone else determine our actions towards them, honor is found.

The truth is that honor is the lifeblood of unity, and when we find ourselves struggling to find unity, it is usually because we have disregarded honor in our lives… In order to find unity, you must first find honor.



Scott Fagaly

Scott is an actual giant, Freelance Front End Web Designer, and the host of the Because the World Needs You Podcast.