5 Inspirational Quotes to Get You Out of Bed on Monday

Scott Ecklund
3 min readJul 10, 2015


If you’re like me, and everyone else I know, there are days when your patience is tested. Days when you feel like the world is against you. Sometimes we need help getting up after we get knocked down, and some motivation to get back in the ring.

In this article, I’ve compiled 100 quotes and sayings that have helped me get back up when I’ve been knocked down. Yeah, you could go watch Rocky, and you’d have the motivation to run a marathon or max out your bench, but you’re probably reading this on your lunch break at work. So, instead, throw in some headphones, put “Eye of the Tiger” on repeat, and welcome the wisdom you are about to read.

1. “The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don’t give up.” –Robert Tew

We all face the struggles of life and they come at us in many different forms. In the moment of your struggles, it can seem like you’ve given it everything you have and you still can’t overcome the obstacle. Just remember, without struggle we cannot strengthen. What we learn from today will help us overcome the obstacles that will stand in our way tomorrow.

2. “Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack.” –Unknown

There is hardly a worse feeling than being thrown under the bus, stabbed in the back. This can be devastating to your ambition and your will. But, look at it from a different perspective and it can become an opportunity to show your true strength. Betrayal is the type of adversity that breeds leaders. Overcoming adversity creates a hardened strength that can’t be easily broken.

3. “No one is remembered for what they just planned to do.”–Bob Goff, Love Does

No matter what is happening in your life, be a doer. Make a point to follow through on your own aspirations. Quit saying you will do it tomorrow. The more you procrastinate, the less important it will be to you, and the less likely you are to follow through. Start something and more importantly, finish it.

4. “Your greatest regret at the end of your life will be the lions you didn’t chase.”–Mark Batterson, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day

You will look back longingly on risks not taken, opportunities not seized and dreams not pursued. Don’t let the lions in your life scare you. Let them motivate you. Chase your dreams, if you don’t succeed in one, find another lion and chase it. You won’t know what’s behind the door of opportunity if you don’t open it. Don’t let yourself regret leaving that door closed.

5. “Every setback has a major comeback.”–Russell Wilson

If you watched the 2015 SuperBowl, you probably remember the last play. The Seahawks were down 4 points on the 1 yard line. Russell Wilson threw a slant pass instead of handing it off to star running back Marshawn Lynch, which resulted in an interception and a devastating loss. With that kind of failure, no one would blame Russell Wilson for showing emotion or anger. But, he took that failure as motivation and said, “Every setback has a major comeback.”

Valuable accomplishments are rarely easy and easy undertakings are rarely valuable. Let the difficulty of the task spur you on to do a job well done. And when you fail, don’t let it define you; keep your nose to the grindstone and make a major comeback.

There’s nothing better than ending your day with a sense of accomplishment. It gives you the motivation to wake up in the morning and do it all over again. We all face those days where we want to give up, but stay positive. When you feel like you’re losing, just grit your teeth and push on through.

