Progressive Platform Part 1

Scott P
5 min readJan 22, 2017


This is but an outline of what I envision being the Progressive Platform. There will be things I have forgotten and since inclusiveness is a main tenant of Progressive thought, please feel free to post additions or what you feel should be corrected in the comments. I am including a couple of chapters here. Those that are more fluent in foreign policy are free to add on. I want this to be a living document that continues to evolve. This is just a start.

Keeping Our Republic Healthy

We believe that the highest civic duty is voting and as such, we believe it should be made as easy as possible to vote. We believe voting should be mandatory and that national election day should be a paid national holiday which allows all citizens to vote. We also believe that ALL Americans eligible to vote should have, free of charge, a national voter ID card similar to a social security card. This card should automatically be sent to all citizens when they become eligible to vote thus making the process fair and not a burden to any class of people. It should also be easy to get for those who might have mobility issues. No state should be allowed to infringe upon the right to vote.

No More Gerrymandering

We call for an end to gerrymandering and call for nonpartisan citizen redistricting committees to be formed in all states to conduct redistricting with the purpose of keeping communities together and to makes districts geographically compact. While we support the Voting Rights Act and increasing minority voices, we believe cramming minorities into one district or two reduces minority voices and reduces their voices on the statewide and national level.

We believe that the Electoral College is a system from days gone by and should be eliminated. Technology has advanced enough that the popular vote should determine outcomes.

Raising up Workers

We believe in a $15 minimum wage. No worker should work a 40 hour week and still not be able to provide for their family.

We believe that the Federal Government should be the Employer of Last Resort in times the unemployment rate is above 3%. This should be modeled like the Civilian Conservation Corps which built public works such as trails, parks, and structures for the public to use. This takes those that want to work but cant get a job to have income while at the same time giving back to their communities. Many of the CCC projects from the Great Depression are still in use today.

We support the right to unionize and support strong unions to protect the rights of workers to fair pay and safe working conditions. Forming unions should be less burdensome.


We know the goal of the private sector in a capitalistic economic model is profit, nothing more. All else flows from that basic premise. We recognize that profit is not always in the public interest, and thus we are against the privatization of public assets in ALL circumstances. The rights of the public should not be superseded by profit and greed. The governments goal is to provide services. All essential services thus should be run by the government or be strongly regulated as to remove the profit incentive.

Investment banking and retail banking should be separated by reinstating Glass-Steagall. Banks that caused the banking panic of 2008 should never be able to commit this crime again.

We support the EPA and believe Climate Change is the biggest long term threat to our survival. We believe that CO2 should be regulated and that it is no longer credible to deny the science. Everyone should have equal access to clean air and water and where that is lacking immediate steps should be taken to make these communities whole and where appropriate, officials guilty of depriving their citizens of these basic needs, jailed.

We believe Broadband is a necessity to every household in America. We believe Broadband has become a utility. In that vein we support the need to promote competition and to lower price. We believe it is the duty of the FCC to protect consumers from some of the most hated companies in modern times, Internet Service Providers. They should enforce strong Network Neutrality rules. These rules should be written into law. ISPs should also be forced to make available all interconnection agreements to public scrutiny and FCC oversight. We strongly oppose laws that remove local control in not allowing municipalities to wire themselves for broadband, especially in rural areas where local monopoly providers refuse to.

Economic Philosophy

Being a sovereign Currency Nation that owes all our debts in our own currency which the government can exclusively produce, Sovereign debt is not relevant in respect to investments in the American People. This is something that has been lacking and we believe it should increase. Social Security should be increased and a Medicare for All model should be implemented. The focus on debt should stop and the false notion that it somehow burdens future generations should be condemned as false and destructive to the working class of this country.

Government spending is Private sector surplus. To cut spending would be to create Private Sector deficit and an economic downturn. We believe it is vital to educate Americans on how their monetary system works to avoid the highly funded propaganda by the .01% that seeks to generate profits by privatizing social spending. We do not favor any type of privatization on public social spending. To do such would only allow the richest to exact fees from the working class of America

