Creating A Sci-Fi Lab Room (Columns And Archways)
Objective: Create a Sci-fi themed room using our assets. Design from the ground up. (From the floor, to the walls, to doorways and archways.)
With the wall built up, we can now move into some columns and archways for this design. What makes columns and archways unique in level design is that it allow the room or rooms we are building to look much bigger than meets the eye. Here is what I mean by this. Let’s dive in!
Very similar to how we tackled the walls in in this scenario. We want to create a column to our liking and once get a nice design going, we can go ahead and turn it into a prefab.
TIP: Make sure we scale this so it matches from the floor to what will be our ceiling. Using the help of our scene gizmo to navigate through different axis to line it up with our walls.
Position our columns against the walls and or scene is beginning to come to life just a little bit more:
I create another variety of a column prefab and these will be in my hallway leading into the bigger room:
With these smaller columns in my hallways allows me to build some sort of archway using some more assets and building them together to bring more life into my room. Piecing some of the elements together allows me to build an archway like mine shown below:
If I wanted two archways, why waste my time and build another one when I can store all the elements of the one I already made into one empty gameobject and turn it into a prefab and place this other one in the hallway.