Dallas Cowboy’s Super Bowl Up In Smoke

Marijuana Party Scandal Rocks Dallas Cowboys: Half the Team Accused of Playing While Under the Influence

Screw the News!!!
12 min readJan 15, 2024

Witness Accounts and Controversy Surround NFL’s Stance on Marijuana Use

By General B.S. Slinger
Dallas, TX — In a shocking revelation that has sent shockwaves throughout the NFL and its fanbase, it has come to light that over half of the Dallas Cowboys players allegedly attended a marijuana party on the night of January 13, 2024. Witnesses and interviews with people close to the incident have revealed a troubling aspect of the NFL’s drug policies and the players’ behavior.

The Incident:

On the night of January 13th, a private gathering reportedly took place at a Dallas Cowboys player’s residence. Eyewitnesses have described it as a “Marijuana Party,” where a substantial number of Cowboys players were seen indulging in marijuana use.

As the night unfolded, conversations and laughter filled the room as players bonded over their shared relaxation technique. The aroma of marijuana wafted through the air, leaving no doubt about what was transpiring within the walls of the player’s home. In the midst of their camaraderie, the players were unaware that their actions were soon to be scrutinized by the media and the NFL.

Dallas Cowboy’s Super Bowl Up In Smoke Marijuana Party Scandal Rocks Dallas Cowboys: Half the Team Accused of Playing While Under the Influence

Witnesses Speak Out:

Multiple eyewitnesses, who requested anonymity to protect their identities, have come forward to provide further insight into the incident. One witness, who was present at the party, stated, “It was like a regular party at first, but as the night went on, it became evident that many players were using marijuana openly. It wasn’t just a few isolated incidents; it seemed like a common practice among the players.”

Another witness, who attended the event, added, “It wasn’t a secret; you could smell it in the air. The smell of marijuana was pervasive throughout the gathering, and it became increasingly clear that a significant number of Dallas Cowboys players were partaking in its use.”

These eyewitness testimonies shed light on the atmosphere at the party and provide additional context to the situation. While the individuals speaking out have chosen to remain anonymous, their accounts offer a glimpse into what transpired that night and the prevalence of marijuana use among certain team members.

The incident continues to generate discussions among fans, analysts, and NFL officials, with many questioning the league’s stance on marijuana and its enforcement of the substance abuse policy. As the story unfolds, it raises important questions about the intersection of professional sports, drug policies, and player behavior.

The NFL is once again in the spotlight over its drug policy, this time following a reported marijuana party allegedly attended by over half of the Dallas Cowboys on the night of January 13, 2024. While the incident has sparked outrage among fans, experts and insiders are questioning whether there were signs that something like this was on the horizon.

The incident, which took place just hours before the Dallas Cowboys’ playoff loss to the Green Bay Packers, resulted in the arrests of two players. Both players have openly complained, stating that they believe many others on the team engage in similar behavior without consequences. A fan was quoted as saying, “Half the Dallas Cowboys wanted the Green Bay Packers game to end so they could go home and get high.”

Dallas Cowboy’s Super Bowl Up In Smoke Marijuana Party Scandal Rocks Dallas Cowboys: Half the Team Accused of Playing While Under the Influence

Who didn’t see this “Green Bay thing” coming?

The Green Bay Packers defeated the Dallas Cowboys in a shocking 48–32 upset win on Sunday to advance to the NFC Divisional Round. And, the disclosure of the Dallas drug problem is now being refered to inside the State in Frisco as that “Green Bay thing”.

Experts in the field are now looking back at recent events and developments that may have hinted at the possibility of such an incident occurring.

Previous Drug-Related Incidents: Dallas Cowboys spokesperson said, If there had been previous drug-related incidents involving NFL players or members of the Dallas Cowboys, it might have hinted at a larger issue within the team or the league.” David Irving openly discussed his use of marijuana and criticized the NFL's drug policy in multiple instances. Sam Williams was reported to have been arrested on marijuana and gun charges. However, multiple drug-related arrests or suspensions of NFL players should have raised concerns about the game.

Changing Marijuana Laws: With marijuana becoming fully legal in 11 states and medically legal in others, experts suggest that the changing legal landscape could have contributed to a perception among players that the league’s stance on marijuana might evolve. Attorney and legal expert [Expert Name] commented, “As marijuana laws change across the country, it’s only natural that NFL players might feel emboldened to openly use it.”

Player Opinions: Public statements from players advocating for changes to the NFL’s drug policy have not gone unnoticed. Unnamed players within the league have expressed their desire for more lenient drug policies, with one player stating, “We should be able to use marijuana for pain management without fear of suspension.”

NFLPA’s Role: The NFL Players Association (NFLPA) has been actively pushing for changes to the league’s drug policy during recent labor negotiations. While the NFLPA has not directly endorsed the reported marijuana party, their stance on drug policy has been clear. Player representative Joe Bob Steinman stated, “We stand by the idea that NFL’s drug policy needed to be modernized to reflect the changing views on marijuana. This is no big deal; it happens all the time in the NFL.”

Team Culture and Rumors: Reports and rumors about the Dallas Cowboys’ locker room culture have been circulating, suggesting a relaxed attitude towards drug use and partying. An unnamed coach was quoted as saying, “We’ve had concerns about the team’s discipline and focus for a while now.”

Leaks and Whispers: Insiders have hinted that there may have been whispers within the NFL or the Cowboys organization about such an event. These whispers, though unconfirmed, have raised questions about the league’s awareness of potential issues.

Multiple eyewitnesses, who requested anonymity, have come forward to provide insight into the incident. One witness stated, “It was like a regular party at first, but as the night went on, it became evident that many players were using marijuana openly.” Another witness added, “It wasn’t a secret; you could smell it in the air.”

As the NFL grapples with the aftermath of the reported marijuana party and the subsequent arrests, questions about the league’s drug policy and its future direction remain at the forefront of discussions. With shifting marijuana laws, evolving player opinions, and a changing cultural landscape, the NFL may face increasing pressure to reevaluate its stance on marijuana use among players.

Marijuana Party Scandal Rocks Dallas Cowboys: Half the Team Accused of Playing While Under the Influence

Controversy Surrounding Jerry Jones:

The incident has raised questions about the role of Cowboys’ owner Jerry Jones in potentially contributing to the situation. Some critics argue that Jones’s decision to support the NFL Players Association’s push for relaxed marijuana policies may have inadvertently encouraged such behavior.

The incident has raised questions about the role of Cowboys’ owner Jerry Jones in potentially contributing to the situation. Some critics argue that Jones’s decision to support the NFL Players Association’s push for relaxed marijuana policies may have inadvertently encouraged such behavior.

In recent years, Jerry Jones has been a vocal advocate for revisiting the NFL’s stance on marijuana. His statements on various occasions have indicated a willingness to consider changes to the league’s drug policy. Jones’s influence in the league, both as an owner and a prominent figure, cannot be underestimated. He is known for his strong presence in NFL circles and his ability to sway opinions.

One fan texted, “This is on Jerry. He wants to win so bad, he thinks letting the players get high will help his popularity and the dumbass players will play harder for him, so he can win the big game. Clearly Jerry doesn’t know the harfull effects of the drug. It makes these morons, lathargic.”

Another fan posted, “Most of these NFL games determined by the level of drug use. The team least high wins the game.”

Jones’s previous alignment with the NFLPA’s stance on marijuana has not gone unnoticed. During recent labor negotiations, he publicly voiced support for a more lenient approach to drug policy.

League anaylst, Bucky Perdergrass said publicaly, “Jerry’s support in 2019 was seen by many as a sign that significant changes could be on the horizon. The league then ended punishment for marijuana use, and now it’s come back to bite Jerry on the ass.”

Critics argue that Jones’s vocal stance on the issue may have emboldened some players to believe that the media was moving towards greater acceptance of marijuana use. The reported marijuana party may have been a manifestation of this perception.

The players seemed to have the smoke party on the eve of the game that they were expected to win.

An ESPN analysis stated to me privately that, “They (the Cowboys) thought the drug use wouldn’t be reported if they won the game, which they expected to win. They didn’t win and now it’s out there why they didn’t win.”

Furthermore, Jones’s influence within the Dallas Cowboys organization is undeniable. His support for relaxed drug policies may have trickled down to the team’s culture, contributing to a more permissive environment regarding marijuana use.

While it is essential to note that Jerry Jones has not directly endorsed or encouraged such behavior, his public statements and alignment with the NFLPA’s position on drug policy have raised questions about whether his influence inadvertently contributed to the reported incident.

As the NFL grapples with the aftermath of the marijuana party and subsequent arrests, Jerry Jones’s role in shaping the league’s evolving drug policy and its potential impact on player behavior remain subjects of scrutiny and debate.

One fan, who requested to remain anonymous, expressed anger, saying, “Half the Dallas Cowboys wanted the Green Bay Packers game to end so they could go home, sit on the couch and get high. It’s a disgrace.”

Dallas Cowboy’s Super Bowl Up In Smoke

Jerry Jones Promises Changes with the Team:

Despite the recent marijuana party incident that rocked the Dallas Cowboys, head coach Mike McCarthy’s position remains secure. Owner Jerry Jones, who has been criticized for potentially contributing to the situation with his support for relaxed marijuana policies, is taking proactive steps to address the issue within the organization.

In response to the reported marijuana party and the subsequent arrests of two players, Jerry Jones has announced plans to hire a staff of 12 drug counselors. This decision reflects a commitment to ensuring that the Cowboys’ players have access to support and guidance in managing substance-related challenges.

What’s noteworthy is the team’s emphasis on hiring experienced African American drug counselors. The Cowboys recognize the importance of cultural competence in addressing the specific needs and challenges faced by their players. By seeking counselors with a deep understanding of the African American community’s experiences, the organization aims to provide more effective assistance.

Furthermore, one of the drug counselors will be specifically assigned to work with “problem consumers” of the drug. This indicates a targeted approach to addressing the issues surrounding marijuana use within the team. The counselor’s role will likely involve assessing players’ usage patterns, providing education on the potential consequences, and offering support for those looking to make healthier choices.

While the incident at the marijuana party has undoubtedly raised concerns about the team’s image and discipline, the Cowboys are taking proactive measures to address the issue. Jerry Jones’s decision to hire a team of drug counselors demonstrates a commitment to the well-being and development of the players while acknowledging the need for cultural sensitivity in handling substance-related issues.

As the Cowboys move forward, they will continue to navigate the challenges surrounding marijuana use in professional sports while providing resources and support to their players. The hiring of experienced counselors reflects a forward-thinking approach to a complex issue, and it remains to be seen how these efforts will impact the team’s culture and player behavior in the long run.

The NFL’s Stance:

The NFL currently bans marijuana use under its substance abuse policy. However, recent developments have suggested a shift in the league’s stance, with many advocating for a more lenient approach, considering the changing legal landscape surrounding marijuana use in various states.

In recent years, major sports leagues, including Major League Baseball (MLB) and the National Basketball Association (NBA), have taken steps to revise their policies on marijuana, acknowledging its potential medical benefits and the need for alternative pain management methods.

Jerry Jones Speaks Out:

Jerry Jones, who has been vocal about the need for a change in the NFL’s marijuana policy, responded to the incident, saying, “We’ve been working towards a more balanced approach regarding marijuana use. It’s a complex issue, and we need to address it as such.”

Jones refrained from commenting further on the ongoing situation but indicated that the NFL’s approach to marijuana could see adjustments in the near future.

Fans React:

The revelation has sparked mixed reactions among Cowboys fans. While some believe that the incident highlights the need for a change in the NFL’s marijuana policy, others express disappointment and concern over the behavior of their favorite players. Here are just two posts posted online:

  1. “This incident just goes to show that the NFL’s marijuana policy needs a serious overhaul. It’s time for a change, and this should be a wake-up call.” — Concerned Cowboys Fan
  2. “As a lifelong Cowboys fan, I’m disappointed by the behavior of some players. They should be setting a better example for their fans and communities.” — Disheartened Cowboys Fan
Who didn’t see this Green Bay thing coming?

League-Wide Implications:

The Dallas Cowboys’ marijuana party incident has broader implications for the NFL and its drug policies. Many are calling for the restoration of a strict no-marijuana policy in light of recent events. As discussions regarding the next collective bargaining agreement (CBA) continue, the topic of marijuana use among players is expected to be a significant point of contention.

  1. “This incident has certainly shaken things up. While some players may argue for relaxed marijuana policies, there’s a growing concern that such incidents could tarnish the league’s reputation.” — Unnamed NFL Official
  2. “We’ve been discussing potential changes to our drug policies, but this situation adds a layer of complexity. We need to strike a balance between player welfare and maintaining the integrity of the game.” — Unnamed NFL Executive
  3. “This incident underscores the need for a comprehensive review of our drug policies. We have to consider the impact not only on individual players but also on the league’s image as a whole.” — Unnamed NFL Attorney

At the NFL in New York, no one wants to say anyhting publically, until they see how the controvery will settle out. Will the fans win or will the players continue to smoke and get high and lose? Only time will tell.


The alleged marijuana party attended by over half of the Dallas Cowboys players on the night of January 13, 2024, has exposed the challenges and controversies surrounding the NFL’s drug policies. With ongoing debates about the role of marijuana in professional sports, the league faces important decisions in the coming years regarding the use of marijuana among its athletes.

Disclaimer: This article is a work of satire created based on news reports and is intended for satirical and entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real events, individuals, or organizations is purely coincidental. The information presented in this article, including quotes and statements attributed to anonymous sources, is entirely satirical, but could to totally representative of actual events and opinions. This article does not reflect the views or policies of the NFL, the Dallas Cowboys, or any real-life individuals mentioned within the context of the story. The purpose of this article is to explore fictional scenarios and engage in creative storytelling. Readers should not consider the content of this article as necessarily true or representative of the Cowboys play on the field. Again, just in case you are high again, this article is a work of satire and does not depict actual events or individuals. Any resemblance to real events or persons is purely coincidental. It is intended for satirical and entertainment purposes only.

