Quit Self Doubt

Takeaways from The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

Kailyn C.
3 min readMay 26, 2020


While many are picking up new skills during this circuit breaker period in Singapore (or otherwise termed as the lockdown in many other countries), I decided to pick up reading again. You see, it has been a long while since I read for leisure. Not the weekly readings before lectures, not the prescribed textbooks, but books that I’m genuinely interested in the title and/or recommendations from others. Reading was once a habit when I had a long commute to my intern workplace and I enjoyed the daily read. As such, amidst all the uncertainties in our lives, I’m cultivating the habit of reading once again!

The Magic of Thinking Big caught my attention when I was browsing for books to order online. It has been a captivating read and I would like to pen down my thoughts while I’m in the midst of it. Here are three key messages that I have taken away thus far.

1. There’s a difference between wishing and believing

Ambitious dreams are great. Dreams give us hope for the future and imagination of what we can become. But dreams can be just lofty wishes if we only stop at the first step. The next step is to Believe. To have firm beliefs in yourself and to translate your dreams into goals that you can work towards.

