8 Writing Challenges That Suck

I got your Snowflake Method right here

[Bad] Ideas For Writers (& Life)
6 min readOct 21, 2022


The Snowflake Method

Maybe you need a writing challenge to get you out of a rut or to rewire your approach to things. Maybe you ran out of sharp things to poke in your eyes. Maybe you’re curious. Whatever your reason, writing challenges caught your attention at some point in time.

I did my BA, I did an MFA and I did an MBA. Whenever I come across a writing challenge it feels like an assignment and PTSD sets in.

Here are 8 of the most popular writing challenges according to one of the leading schools for seasoned writers.

Let’s take a look, shall we?

1. The Snowflake Method

This is where you’re supposed to start with a single sentence to describe your big idea, your story. Then build that into a paragraph and then that into character descriptions and then those into storylines with those characters and each of these become snowballs that you pile on top of each other to create a snowman which has its origin in a single snowflake which is at this point right where the bellybutton (or butthole, the manual isn’t clear on this point) is located. This is how you shit out a story. (Probably the butthole.)



[Bad] Ideas For Writers (& Life)

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